Advocate a Corporate Responsibility Position

Advocate a Corporate Responsibility Position

You are responsible for writing and submitting a paper that advocates either the shareholder-value perspective or stakeholder-theory perspective on corporate responsibility, as discussed in the book, and classroom discussions. Only those sources may be used in fulfillment of the assignment—the use of any outside sources without citation (which will not be accepted) constitutes plagiarism.

Begin by clearly stating that one position is morally superior to the other, then develop a carefully structured argument to support your position. You should NOT use your very limited word count to explain the perspective to the instructor. Take for granted that your reader is an expert in your source material, and add value by convincing the reader that the perspective you have chosen is more moral than the alternative.

If you have kept up with the corporate responsibility course content, absorbing the readings, videos, and class discussions, you will be able to write the paper effectively and efficiently. If you have not, you will need to become well versed in the both corporate responsibility positions before writing (without the benefit of class discussions), which will reduce the amount of time that you have available to craft an excellent paper.

  • The paper must be between 300 words (absolutely no more)
  • place your name and word count in the upper right-hand corner of your paper.
  • The paper must be double spaced in Times New Roman 12-point font, and attached to this assignment as a Microsoft Word document

Answer preview for the paper on ‘Advocate a Corporate Responsibility Position’

Advocate a Corporate Responsibility Position

APA 391 Words