Selected Topic: Normal Sinus Rhythm with Premature Junctional Complex (NSR w/ PJC

Selected Topic: Normal Sinus Rhythm with Premature Junctional Complex (NSR w/ PJC

Selected Topic: Normal Sinus Rhythm with Premature Junctional Complex (NSR w/ PJC

This assignment is designed to help you gain further knowledge on the topic above. It should include a thorough description of the medical condition, as well as prehospital treatment (including positioning, medications given by the Paramedic, medications the patient is likely to already be prescribed, etc). Grammar and spelling should be correct, and any sources used should be cited (works cited page). A cover page with your name, class, date, and title is also required. The paper must be completed on computer, no hand written papers will be accepted. A printed copy should be turned in the day of the due date, and any late papers will be penalized (10 points per day). At least two sources should be used, your textbook may be counted as one. Plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated. The cover page and reference page does not count toward the length of the essay.

Pleases take this paper seriously, as it is not only part of your grade, but also a good way to prepare for some of the situations you will encounter while working in EMS.

Requirements: 6

Subject: Health & Medical

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Normal Sinus Rhythm

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