Geriatrics is the branch of healthcare that focuses on our unique needs as we age

Geriatrics is the branch of healthcare that focuses on our unique needs as we age

Module 7: Discussion Forum

Developmental Case Study: Geriatrics

Geriatrics is the branch of healthcare that focuses on our unique needs as we age. In Chapter Fourteen, your textbook reviews the many physiological, health-related, and cognitive changes that can occur in late adulthood.

For this week’s discussion, tell about an older person in your life who struggles with one of these changes that can occur in late adulthood. This can be a neighbor, grandparent, or other relative, for example, but they should be someone over the age of sixty-five. If you don’t know anyone in this age group well enough, you may also use a news story, a character from a movie or book, or make up a fictitious character for this assignment.

Tell us about the person, their challenge(s) and how their life is impacted. What causes the issue(s) and what can be done? Do you find that you need to accommodate them in some way when you are together? What personality strengths does the person use to get past the aspects of life that are now challenging for them?

Your initial posting should be 250-500 words and must be submitted by Thursday, midnight (MT), of this week. By Sunday at midnight (MT), respond to two or more of your classmates’ initial posts in one of the following ways:

  • Build on something interesting or provocative that your classmate wrote.
  • Explain why and how you see things differently.
  • Ask a probing or clarifying question.
  • Share your understanding of your classmate’s posting in your words.
  • Offer and support an opinion with peer-reviewed sources or industry best-practices.
  • Expand on your classmate’s posting by providing constructive feedback.

Keep in mind that you’re expected to engage critically and not editorially. Engage the material and cite, using APA(Links to an external site.), where necessary.

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Geriatrics is the branch of healthcare that focuses on our unique needs as we age

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