Consider organization and funding types, including the characteristics, benefits, and challenges of each.

Consider organization and funding types, including the characteristics, benefits, and challenges of each.

Assignment Details: Question 1
As you explored in Week 1, there is not a singular definition for social entrepreneurship. Likewise, there is not a formula for how such initiatives must be structured or financed. There are several basic legal categories into which a social venture may fall, each of which has implications for financing.

Tax-exempt non-profit: These organizations are operated for charitable purposes and cannot enrich private individuals. Exempt 501(c)(3) status makes an organization eligible for certain tax breaks and funding types such as grants and charitable donations from philanthropic trusts.
For-profit organization: On the other end of the spectrum, these organizations set their own agenda for the degree to which they emphasize their social change goals versus economic profit. They are more likely to be self-funded through revenue or private investors.
Government programs: Social entrepreneurship may also originate from within government organizations themselves. These types of organizations or programs may also operate through grants or contracts with other government agencies.
Funding is an essential type of partnership that an organization or program will need to establish. Each organizational type determines, at least in part, the types of funding that may be available to an organization. For this Discussion, you will consider the importance of funding and partnerships for the organization that you selected for this week’s Assignment.
To prepare for this Discussion:
Consider organization and funding types, including the characteristics, benefits, and challenges of each.
Examine the partnership outline that you created for this week’s Assignment. Consider the importance of funding and partnerships for your selected organization’s sustainability.
Question 2 
According to the Center for Public Health Systems Science (2012), organizational capacity can be defined as “having the internal support and resources needed to effectively manage your program.” These resources may include having sufficient staff and advocates for a program within an organization. Leadership strength and effectiveness are also important components of organizational capacity.

For this Discussion, you will identify leaders and champions for a program initiative at the Harbor City Behavioral Health Center (HCBHC). Before you begin, it is important to understand the difference between a leader and a champion in a behavioral health context. Leaders are defined as the governing body (e.g., board of directors) and senior managers (e.g., the executive director, the CEO,). Leaders work together to meet the goals of the organization, and they are held directly accountable for the strategy that drives the success or failure of the program. Champions are defined as the leaders of the psychologists, physicians, and other licensed practitioners who provide patient care in the organization. They usually are not involved in strategy or held directly accountable for the success or failure of the organization, but they play very important roles. First, they clinically supervise licensed practitioners working within the program. Second, they make clinical decisions that will drive the rest of the program’s use of resources and therefore affect the program’s ability to achieve its goal of providing high quality, safe care.

To prepare for this Discussion:

Review the memo sent by the CEO of HCBHC requesting the development and implementation of a new program initiative (either a Substance Abuse or Elder Care Program).
Consider who will be internal leaders and champions for the new program initiative you have selected. Who will advocate for this program initiative within the larger organization? Post a description of four of the internal leaders or champions you identified for the program. For each, provide a rationale for why he or she is important for the program’s standing and sustainability.

Deadline: 30/12/2021 05:07

Preferred Format: APA

Number of Sources: 2

Number of Pages: 

PowerPoint slides: Preferred Spacing: Double spaced

Your Topic: discussion Question  minimum 150 word count  

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