Your Topic: Writing Assignment: What is “The News?”

Your Topic: Writing Assignment: What is “The News?”

Your Topic: Writing Assignment: What is “The News?”

Assignment Details: We have been discussing media, from the oldest (books) to the newest (digital).

At one point in human history, news was very difficult to get — especially news from other places and other continents. Today, we swim in an unending sea of new information; it’s all around us — or, at least, it seems to be. It has never before been more important to get current, factual, easy-to-understand news; errors and misunderstandings have already cost lives.

However, where once the news was exclusively delivered by trained news gatherers, editors and publishers, surveys now tell us that an entire generation (yours) gets most of its news from social media — now famous for being filled with trolls, intentionally false stories and so-called “fake news.” Some Congress members want Mark Zuckerberg to censor Facebook to prevent foreign interference in our elections — even to the point of banning some statements by politicians during an election. We’ve never done that before.


What is “news?” Is it your friend’s rant about the president? Is it the “CBS This Morning” or Fox News or The New York Times — or the Murray State News? Where do we get accurate, reliable information in order to make good decisions? When the newspapers die, are we on our own?

Let’s hear your view of it.

You will receive up to 40 points if you submit your essay on time, and if, somewhere in all that writing, you cite a reliable outside source. Your textbook will not count as a source. Cite the source properly (APA Style) or you will lose points. We expect your essay to be at least two typed pages (double-spaced). Your discussion might also set out “what is not news.”

One source is provided in the link below. Read it, and see how it may inform your view.

The cult of ignorance in the United States.pdf Preview the document Download The cult of ignorance in the United States.pdf, This is a little scary. This 2014 essay lays at the feet of the Internet and an explosion of anti-intellectualism that may be crippling the nation as we know it. The news, traditionally, has as its purpose the providing of useful and important knowledge to all its possible consumers.  What do you think?

Hello Hellen, I just sent a essay and here is one of the links you could use if you like file:///Users/willieforeman/Downloads/The%20cult%20of%20ignorance%20in%20the%20United%20States.pdf.

Preferred Format: APA

Number of Sources: 2

Number of Pages: 2

PowerPoint slides:

Preferred Spacing: Double spaced

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Your Topic: Writing Assignment: What is "The News?"

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