Your Topic: what’s required in your personal philosophy of change.

Your Topic: what’s required in your personal philosophy of change.

Your Topic: what’s required in your personal philosophy of change.

Assignment Details: area of Week 07. Assignment 03 has two parts: A written component and a visual
component. The written component should be three to six paragraphs in length, and it
should be broken up into these three sections:
Reacting to change (one to two paragraphs)

  • Framing change (one to two paragraphs)
  • Managing change (one to two paragraphs)

We’re finishing Assignment 03 in PHI201 this week, so I thought I’d share a brief “cheat
sheet” with you to lay out in clear terms exactly what’s required in your personal philosophy
of change. I hope this is useful to you! As always, hit me up by e-mail, text, or telephone if
you have any questions or concerns.
Assignment 03 is worked on in Chapter 07 of the webtext, but it is completed on your own
in Microsoft Word (or an equivalent word processor) and then uploaded to the “Submit”
area of Week 07. Assignment 03 has two parts: A written component and a visual
component. The written component should be three to six paragraphs in length, and it
should be broken up into these three sections:
• Reacting to change (one to two paragraphs)
• Framing change (one to two paragraphs)
• Managing change (one to two paragraphs)
In each one of those sections, you’re required to:
• Discuss the subject of the section (how you react to change, how you frame change,
or how you manage change)
• Provide an example from your personal or professional life that illustrates the subject
of the section (how you react to change, how you frame change, or how you manage
• Support what you say with a quote or paraphrase from an outside source (usually a
personal source, like a religious or philosophical text, a quote from an inspirational
speaker, a piece from literature or poetry, etc.) that is cited in SWS format both in-
text and on your Source List
• Give a brief one-or-two sentence discussion of why you chose to use that source in
that section
The visual component is even more straightforward. In the visual component, we want you
to find or create an image (or images) that reflects your personal philosophy of change in
some way. The image or images can be anything! Think of them as something you would be
comfortable hanging in your home to use as a source of inspiration. The images must be
cited in SWS format both in-text and on your Source List.
And that’s it! That’s Assignment 03 in a nutshell. If you need more support, don’t forget to
check out the Assignment 03 Walkthrough Video in the “Help from Dr. Reilly” section of the
class, the Top 5 Assignment 03 Reminders video I sent out by e-mail during Week 06, and
the What I Talked About video for Week 07 (posted in our Announcements on the Thursday
of Week 07). If you need more, let me know! I’d be happy to discuss anything you need or
help out in any way. I look forward to seeing your personal philosophies of change!

Preferred Format: APA

Number of Sources: 0

Number of Pages: 2

PowerPoint slides:

Preferred Spacing: Double spaced

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