Your Topic: The History of Creating Roads on Mountain Tops

Your Topic: The History of Creating Roads on Mountain Tops

Your Topic: The History of Creating Roads on Mountain Tops

Assignment Details: Description:

Submit your rough draft of your Final Research paper for feedback.


Upload your draft paper for peer review.
Solicit feedback and utilize the input in your research paper.

Using proper APA format, submit your rough draft of your Final Research paper for feedback. Please note that you will receive full credit for submitting a functioning draft. However, please take this opportunity to carefully study the rubric and make sure that you are meeting its top-level requirements. This is the best way to achieve a high score when you officially submit the paper in Week 10.

Assignment Submission:

The use of outside resources is required, and all papers must be cited and written in APA format.
Once you have completed the assignment, click the Submit Assignment option in the menu to the right and select a format for submitting your assignment.
Click the Submit Assignment button when you are ready.
Make sure that your paper is at least three (3) pages of content (not including the title page, the abstract, or the reference list) and does not exceed ten (10)

Preferred Format: APA

Number of Sources: 3

Number of Pages: 3

PowerPoint slides:

Preferred Spacing: Double spaced

Answer preview for the paper on ‘Your Topic: The History of Creating Roads on Mountain Tops’

The History of Creating Roads on Mountain Tops

APA 1189 words

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