Your company,, wants to hold its next company-wide meeting in a resort location. AS MARKETING MANAGER,

Your company,, wants to hold its next company-wide meeting in a resort location. AS MARKETING MANAGER

Your company,, wants to hold its next company-wide meeting in a resort location. AS MARKETING MANAGER, the CEO has asked you to find a conference location for your 85 engineers, product managers, and marketing staff. He wants the company to host a four-day combination sales conference/vacation/retreat at some spectacular spot. He suggests you start by inquiring at the amazing Caesars Palace Las Vegas. You check its Web site and discover interesting information. However, you write a letter to have a permanent, formal record of all the resorts you investigate.

You estimate that your company will require about 80 rooms. You will also need three (3) conference rooms (to accommodate 25 or more) for one and a half days. You want to know room rates, conference facilities, and family entertainment options. You have two (2) periods possible for this conference/vacation/retreat: April 20-24 or July 10-14. You know that one of these is at an off-peak time, and you wonder whether you can get a good room rate. You are interested in entertainment at Caesars during these times. One evening the CEO will want to host a banquet for about 125 people.

Your Task. Write a well-organized letter to Ms. Isabella Cervantes, Manager, Convention Services, Caesars Palace, 257 Palace Drive, Las Vegas, NV 87551. Before writing, you might like to look at the Caesars Web site for information. Use Full Block-style formatting for your letter (an example of this style of the letter is in Chapter 4 on page 93 in my textbook. Your ebook page numbers will be different! You do not have to create a letterhead. The dateline should be on line 13; your line spacing should be on 1.0. Press enter six times to make the letter’s dateline on line 13. Do not press enter 13 times but six times. The printer would default about one inch, which is line 7. All letters and memos have a dateline!

The letter should be formatted correctly!!!

Requirements: a letter   |   .doc file

Use full block format

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