You will elaborate and provide executed examples of the additional elements of your communication campaign

You will elaborate and provide executed examples of the additional elements of your communication campaign

You will elaborate and provide executed examples of the additional elements of your communication campaign, with a focus specifically on the social media elements of the campaign.

Using the social media tactics, you named in Assignment #2 to support your campaign beyond a website, describe exactly how you will use social media to reach your audience. Mock up two of these social channels, including written/audio/visual elements as appropriate. Justify your choices.

The assignment must address the following objectives:

  1. Referring to the goals and objectives from the Assignment #1 plus the specific descriptions of your audience/stakeholders, messages and channels from Assignment #2, describe how you intend to use your social media tactics including the content; how it reflects your key messages; and how you will measure success.
  2. Produce basic mock-up designs for both channels; or as an alternative, describe exactly how you intend to set up the channels.
  3. Describe in two to three paragraphs your chosen earned media effort, and how you will employ and execute this tactic (public event, news release, story pitches to media, etc.).
  4. Describe in two to three paragraphs your chosen marketing effort, and how you will employ and execute this tactic. You may provide a visual element as a substitute for one written paragraph.
  5. Describe in two to three paragraphs your chosen optional tactical element, and how you will employ and execute this tactic. You may provide a visual element as a substitute for one written paragraph.
  6. Provide justification for your recommendations. Based these choices on your research, NOT your personal opinion.
  7. Demonstrate your research with attribution to your sources. These can be contained within the document or at the end of the document.

Requirements: 3 Pages



By: Scott


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communication campaign

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