you will develop a patient medication guide for the treatment of depressive disorders in one vulnerable population of your choice

you will develop a patient medication guide for the treatment of depressive disorders in one vulnerable population of your choice

you will examine antidepressant therapies and explore the assessment and treatment of three vulnerable patient populations: pediatrics, adults, and geriatrics. For the week 4 assignment, you will develop a patient medication guide for the treatment of depressive disorders in one vulnerable population of your choice. The population you choose may be children, adolescents, older adults, dementia patients, pregnant women, or one not listed here. In your medication guide, you must include non-copyrighted graphics (information tables, charts, diagrams, etc.) to make your patient medication guide interesting and appealing. In other words, you must create these graphics yourself; they cannot be taken from the internet, even if they are properly referenced. Furthermore, the graphics you create must address the required content. Pictures that illustrate a depressed child do not address the required content and will not meet the assignment requirements.

This patient medication guide will be submitted as an assignment; therefore, a title page, introduction, conclusion, and reference page(s) are required. Please open the writing template shown here (Week4_WritingTemplate_Gryzenia-3.pdf Download Week4_WritingTemplate_Gryzenia-3.pdf) for proper format. YOU ARE GRADED ON YOUR ABILITY TO FOLLOW THIS FORMAT. Your patient medication guide is limited to 5 pages in length, and YOU ARE ALSO GRADED ON YOUR ABILITY TO ADHERE TO THIS LENGTH LIMITATION. Points are deducted for documents that exceed the 5 page limit. Included in the 5 pages are your introduction, body, and conclusion. The title page and reference page(s) are not counted as part of the 5 pages. In your document, you must include a minimum of 3 current scholarly supporting resources outside of your course provided resources. All of the requirement details are shown in the grading rubric in Canvas.

In your patient medication guide, you must include a discussion or graphic on the following:

  • Depressive disorder causes and symptoms
  • How depression is diagnosed for the vulnerable population of your choice, why is this population considered vulnerable
  • Medication treatment options including risk vs benefits, side effects, and FDA approvals for the vulnerable population of your choice
  • Medication considerations of medication examples prescribed (see last bullet item)
  • What is important to monitor in terms of labs, comorbid medical issues with why important for monitoring
  • You must thoughtfully evaluate these special considerations: legal considerations, ethical considerations, cultural considerations, and social determinants of health. Your considerations must be specific, and you must demonstrate critical thinking beyond the basics of HIPPA and informed consent. You must also address each of the aforementioned categories.
  • Where to follow up in your local community for further information
  • Provide 3 examples of proper prescriptions that you would provide to the patient or transmit to the pharmacy. Each prescription example must include all of the following: date, medication and strength, amount to be taken, route to be taken, frequency, indication, quantity, refills, and providers signature.

Requirements: 5PAGES


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