You see the need for a change in U.S. government and politics. The need for change is a new political party

You see the need for a change in U.S. government and politics. The need for change is a new political party

You see the need for a change in U.S. government and politics. The need for change is a new political party. Your project will be to create a new political party along with a political platform which you will use to run for office.

Must haves:

  1. Political Party Name:
  2. Symbol:
  3. Ideology:
  4. Famous supporters (think prominent politicians, people of influence, media, musicians, etc) that would likely support your party. THIS IS NOT WHO DO YOU WANT BUT WHO WOULD LIKELY
  5. Is there a specific demographic group that your party is focusing on?

Political Party Platform

You will need to research 5 core ideas/issues that your party wants to make the center of the political party platform. Generally, issues tend to relate to economic and social, but you do not need to make these the cornerstone of your platform. Be thoughtful in your determination as you will have to do the following.


  1. An issue/idea
  2. Potential solution
  3. Consider Congressional laws that may be proposed to support your solution
  4. Find some Congressional support in each chamber (consider their leadership position and committee status)
  5. What departments in the Bureaucracy would be needed to enforce your supportive laws (from question 3)?

Executive Branch

You will also need to consider the head of the party. Likely a candidate you would run for President.


  1. Before you name a candidate, complete the following DOCUMENT –
  2. Presidential Candidate:
  3. Vice-Presidential Candidate
  4. Consider 3 cabinet positions (after reviewing them all) and choose someone to lead those agencies.

Judicial Branch

If given the opportunity to appoint a Supreme Court Justice, what would your ideal candidate be in terms of ideology and demographics?

Here is the project instructions. I have a a finished project which can be used as reference and can have similar ideas, more or less paraphrased. Please do the same. I attached the example in the downloads –  file attached.

Requirements: 9 slides with information regarding the instructions  

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U.S. government and politics

11 slides

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