Yo-Yo Ma writes about the importance of a STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics) education for the development of integrative critical thinking

Yo-Yo Ma writes about the importance of a STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics) education for the development of integrative critical thinking

Assignment 2:The “Joining-the-Conversation” Essay

Assignment Instructions: Yo-Yo Ma writes about the importance of a STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics) education for the development of integrative critical thinking and empathy in young people. Michael Pollan describes Joel Salatin’s farm as one that is “holon” based, in which each element is simultaneously an individual whole and part of a complex system. In Salatin’s farm, all parts of the system work together to produce a result that is better than any single part could have produced on its own. Ta-Nehisi Coates describes a situation in which one’s experience of education is inseparable from race, class, life on the streets, prison, and day-to-day survival. Write an essay in which you put Ma, Pollan, and Coates into conversation on this question: What should a college/university education look like? What should be its aims and goals? What subjects, if any, should it teach? What disciplines/majors should be represented? I’d like you to focus on the curriculum of a college/university education, or in other words, what students learn when they are in class or engaged in their course of study. However, if it’s part of your argument, feel free to bring in the role of extra-curricular activities, such as sports, Greek Life, student clubs, or the financial, architectural, or recruitment aspects of higher education. In addition to putting the three authors into conversation, you should join the conversation yourself. After critically reading and thinking about the three readings, what do you think a college/university education should look like? Your contribution to the conversation can come in many different ways. You can choose one author you agree with most and say why. You can also combine ideas from all of them to assemble your own answer. Or you can disagree with all of them and say why. You can also explain why all of them, despite having good points, miss something big or overlook something important. Or you can explain how all of them do not go far enough in their analyses of one particular thing that you believe is most important to an ideal university education. You are not limited to the ways of joining the conversation I’ve listed; find some way to engage with the authors’ words and ideas in a way that feels true and real to you.
Assignment Instructions Summary: • Put the authors into conversation on the question of what a college/university education should look like • Join the conversation yourself
Assignment Objectives: • critical reading and thinking • comparing, contrasting, synthesizing arguments • joining a conversation/responding to readings with your own original thoughts • writing an argument-driven, analytical essay
Assignment Requirements: • 1000 words plus a works cited page • Times New Itoman font, double-spaced • l-inch margins all around • Formal, academic tone, style, grammar • At least one direct quotation from each of the three assigned readings and one paraphrase from any of the 3 sources.

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Yo-Yo Ma writes about the importance of a STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics) education for the development of

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