write a short paper about one of the theories/approaches of management or leadership discussed in your book

write a short paper about one of the theories/approaches of management or leadership discussed in your book

Formatted in APA style. You should have at least 4 (four) references in addition to your text, if it is cited.

Management and Leadership Theory: write a short paper about one of the theories/approaches of management or leadership discussed in your book. Please consider the following aspects of the theory/approach:

· Assumptions about human nature.

· Assumptions about the nature of organizational life and work.

· Characterization of superior-subordinate relationships

· Find at least three (3) research studies about your theory/approach and summarize their findings.

· Look at Table 2-1 on page 33 of your text. Based on your research, for which of the dominant forms of coordination will your theory/approach work best? For which of them will your theory/approach be the least effectively?

· Conclusion: As a manager, would you be likely to use this theory approach?

· Under what conditions would you use it or avoid using it?

Course Textbook:

Reading: Chapters 3, 4, 5, & 14

Managing Electronic Media : Making, Marketing, and Moving Digital Content, 01th Edition

By: Van Tassel, Joan


Requirements: 4 Pages


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 management or leadership

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