Write a 3 page paper using the interpretive sentence as your thesis statement.

Write a 3 page paper using the interpretive sentence as your thesis statement.

  • Write a 3 page paper using the interpretive sentence as your thesis statement.

Paper Content Outline:

  1. Introductory paragraph with title, artist and interpretation.
  2. Describe the subject matter to give the reader an overview of the artwork.
  3. 3 or 4 paragraphs explaining your proofs – how the Elements of Art and/or the Principles of Design helped you discover the subtext or hidden meaning. Make sure that you include associations, ideas and feelings that are connected to your analysis.
  4. Explain how the work speaks to your/our human experiences.
  5. Conclusion that describes (again) and restates your interpretation


  1. Write a minimum of three pages. One page added at the beginning showing an image and caption of the artwork
  2. 12 pt Times New Roman font, double-spaced body, left justified, turn off auto-hyphenation, one inch margins on all sides, your last name and page number on every page. Double space throughout the paper. Do not add extra spaces between paragraphs or between title or headings and the body of your paper.
  3. MLA format. No exceptions. There is NO separate title page in MLA style. Your name, instructor’s name, course number, date are left justified at the top of the first page. This is followed by the title which is center justified before the body of the paper begins. Use MLA formatting for all citations. Go to http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/13/ for more detailed information
  4. Spell check your paper. Proofread your paper. Have someone else proofread it too. This is a college level writing assignment.
  5. Submit your paper online as a pdf or a .docx file.
  6. Add a page showing a captioned image of the art work (2” X 3 “only!). This should be at the beginning of your paper. Using proper MLA figure information.


______/10 Art Work information (2.25 pt ea)

_____Title of art work


_____Date of production of the artwork

_____Media/Process used to create the art work.

_____/15 Description of the Literal Qualities – Subject matter

_____/30 Identification of the subtext (10 pts ea)

_____ How Elements help to create subtext

_____ How Principles help to clarify meaning

_____ Discussion of the implied feelings, ideas and associations that are revealed in the composition.

_____/10 Explanation of significance of work as a human experience

_____/15 Critical thinking & integration

_____/10 Writing skills (2.5 pts ea.)

______ grammar
______ spelling
______ clarity

_____/10 MLA Style

_____Page Formatting _____Header

_____Pagination _____ (2pts) full MLA figure information

_____ Image of art work in body of paper.


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Subject: Art

Hi, Thank you. I really need to do good on this to bring up my suffering grade.

the picture I sent above is the capture of the Tripoli by Thomas Birch 1806

that is what the 3 page essay has to be about . Rubric is above.

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interpretive sentence as your thesis

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