Who are the victims you are focusing on and why? Bangladesh child sex/labor trafficking 

Who are the victims you are focusing on and why? Bangladesh child sex/labor trafficking 

Please Outline part 2 of Bangladesh for your final paper which will be focused on victims in your country Bangladesh. I have included the first outlines, I want to continue adding onto the ones I have attached. Do not combine these assignments, but combine the work cited information from before. And please cite each entry in the outline.

From your outline I should be able to identify a logical flow and understand the thrust of what you will be writing in your final paper.


Q.#1. Who are the victims you are focusing on and why? Bangladesh child sex/labor trafficking Get specific because that population is who I will concentrate on henceforth.

Q.#2. What is the typical path through which this population becomes victimized?

Q.#3. Do they accept jobs overseas?

Q.#4. Do they runaway from foster homes?

Q.#5. What are the patterns associated with victimization in the country you are studying?

Q.#6. Who are they?

Q.#7. And why do they become trafficking victims?

Q.#8. Do they appear to be “worthy” victims (to use Baker’s term)?

****As you work on this assignment, please be sure you familiarize yourself with hidden victims of trafficking and consider how they may be present in the country you’ve chosen. Hidden victims like LGBTQ youth, Transgender, children who’;s parents send them to work in other peoples households

Exactly 3 sources are to be used: Exactly 2 Scholarly Articles on child sex / labor trafficking

Exactly 1 News Uni Search for 1 newspaper article

.METHODUse Google Scholar and News Uni search


These outlines are graded pass/no pass but I will include comments and suggestions for you. I am looking for the following:

Did the author answer the questions I posed in the topic section? Do I get a good sense that they know who they are studying? (child labor and sex trafficking)

Did the author cite exactly three sources (2 scholarly sources and 1 newspaper source) as outlined above in a properly formatted works cited page? (using MLA in-text citations)

Requirements: at least 3 pages combined ( essay and outline)

You workied on the first part, so thank you

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child sex/labor trafficking

APA 558 words

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