Which diagnostic tests did you select for this client? Using the estimated national average cost for each diagnostic test

Which diagnostic tests did you select for this client? Using the estimated national average cost for each diagnostic test

  1. Reflection: Address the following questions:
    1. Which diagnostic tests did you select for this client? Using the estimated national average cost for each diagnostic test from a website such as MD saveLinks to an external site.https://www.mdsave.com/ calculate the total cost for diagnostic testing for this client if he was uninsured. How might this information change your decision to order diagnostic tests for the client?
      1. Data indicate that clients with chronic lung disease and low income have increased utilization of acute care services (Melillo, 2021). What questions should the primary provider ask when providing education to clients with these diagnoses to ensure they have the resources they need to follow up with appropriate care?
    2. Include the following components:
      1. write 150-300 words in a Microsoft Word document
      2. demonstrate clinical judgment appropriate to the virtual patient scenario
      3. cite at least one relevant scholarly source as defined by program expectations
      4. communicate with minimal errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation

Requirements: as long as needed to cover requirements

Masters Nursing

these are the diagnostics i ordered for this patient with COPD

12 lead ECG

Alpha 1 antitrypsin, blood

ABGs- arterial blood gas

Brain natriuretic peptide

Cardiac stress test

Chest CT

D-Dimer, blood

Echocardiogram, TTE


Stress echocardiogram

Troponin I

Troponin T

Ventilation/perfusion scan

Chest PA/Lateral

and CBC too was ordered

see attached doc attached for clarification on diagnostic test in case of doubt

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Which diagnostic tests

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