Where does Accomack County rank in terms of health status among counties in Virginia?

Where does Accomack County rank in terms of health status among counties in Virginia?

Health Promotion in Accomack County—A Case Study

Throughout this course, you will conduct a case study of Accomack County, Virginia, as a means both to consider various health promotion issues and to exercise your research skills.


Use the forward and back arrows to move between the following four slides, which introduce Accomack County and set the stage for your case study challenge.

Accessible Interactive Instructions: Use the arrow keys to navigate between slides. After selecting a slide, use the Tab key to move to the slide content.

The 4 Slides are attached

Assignment Overview

This week you will review the information you have collected about the health status of the community/population of Accomack County, Virginia, to identify some potential health improvements and what factors might help or hinder them.

Assignment Guidelines

Reflect on the data you’ve gathered about Accomack County and what this means in terms of health promotion and health education. In the Google Doc you created in Case Study 1.1: The Accomack County Challenge (previous assignment that you have just completed), add a new section titled Factors Facilitating and Hindering Health Improvement that answers the following questions.

  1. Where does Accomack County rank in terms of health status among counties in Virginia?
  2. What are some improvements that could be made?
  3. What is the importance of social, cultural, and political factors that facilitate or hinder this population in achieving maximum health?

Requirements: na

Subject: Nursing

20 to >18.0 ptsExcellent Responses to case study prompt(s) are thoughtful and thorough. 18 to >16.0 pts Good Responses to case study prompt(s) are complete but somewhat lacking in detail or clarity. 16 to >15.0 pts Satisfactory Some aspects of the case study prompt(s) are either missing or inadequately addressed. 15 to >0 pts Unacceptable Response is superficial, confusing, sloppy, or missing.20 pt

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health status among counties

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