What types of health care and community services/programs currently are available to address your target health problem?

What types of health care and community services/programs currently are available to address your target health problem?

Refer to deliverable #1 information to complete deliverable #2

Deliverable #2: Needs Assessment: Analysis of Service Gaps, Survey, and Methods Suggested Length: 4-5 pages, double-spaced for Parts A, C, and D (combined). Attach Part B (Needs Assessment Survey) as an Appendix.


A. Analysis of Service Gaps Discuss existing resources and services in your target community that relate to your target health problem. You will need to do some research on the community. Address:

1. What types of health care and community services/programs currently are available to address your target health problem? (For example, clinics, community-based health and/or mental health services; school-based programs and/or services; social services; existing prevention or health promotion programs.)

2. What are the barriers to receiving services? What are the gaps in services? For example, is there a lack of access to program/services due to location, hours, transportation, eligibility, language skills, etc.? (This may involve making a phone call to a key informant at the program/services.)

3. What types of changes or improvements in service delivery or program availability are needed? (Note: this is your opinion, based on your understanding of the health problem.)

B. Needs Assessment Survey

Develop a needs assessment survey that you would administer, hypothetically, to a sample of people in your target population. See the PM 528 Instructional Materials regarding survey design. (They include suggestions for the types of questions that a well-designed needs assessment survey should contain.) In general, the survey should address any gaps in the secondary data you have collected and address key determinants of your health problem. T

urn in an actual survey instrument, formatted as discussed in the Instructional Materials.

Suggested Length for Survey: Maximum of 40 questions.

C. Sample and Methods for Survey Administration

1. Describe the sample you propose to draw for your needs assessment survey. How many participants do you aim to include? How will you select the participants? What are the characteristics (i.e., demographic) of the individuals you will sample?

2. Address: Where and how will the survey be administered?

D. Additional Needs Assessment Methods

Propose additional needs assessment methods you would use to gather additional primary data, specifically:

1. Key Informant Interviews

a. Describe at least 3 key informants you would interview (positions of people, not specific names) to gather additional needs assessment information. PM 528 |Health Promotion Planning Project Page 5

b. Describe the position/role of the informants and list examples of the types of questions you would ask them.

2. Focus Groups

a. Describe at least 3 focus groups you would conduct to gather additional needs assessment information.

b. Describe the composition of the groups (e.g., age, gender, race/ethnicity, etc.)

Requirements: 4-5 PAGES   |   .doc file

Subject: Public Health

hi this was delievable #1 info

Learning Goal: I’m working on a public health project and need a sample draft to help me learn.

delievable #1



A. The Community

Choose a community that will be the site for implementation of your proposed health promotion program. Include these elements in the description of your community:

  1. Show the geographic boundaries of the community (i.e., it is helpful to include a map).
  2. Briefly, describe the administrative structure of the In other words, is it a city? Neighborhood within a city? Unincorporated area? County? Planning district within a county or city? Etc.
  3. Present data on the demographic characteristics of its residents, per S. Census data (may be presented in charts/graphs):
    1. Total population (in numbers)
    1. Sex, race/ethnicity, and age distribution (in percentages)
    1. Percent foreign born
    1. Rates of poverty


Choose a target health problem that will be the focus of your program planning efforts. The problem should be one that is prevalent and important enough to merit being the focus of a public health intervention in your target community.

  1. Describe:
    1. The prevalence of the target health Present local data on the prevalence of the problem, if available. If local data are not available, use data at the next highest level (e.g., if data for your city are not available, present data for the county or state in which the city is located).
    1. Address: How does the prevalence of the problem locally compare to the prevalence at the county, state, and/or national level?
    1. What are the trends in prevalence of the problem? (i.e., increasing? Decreasing? Stable?)
    1. Which demographic subgroup(s) are most affected by, or most at risk for developing the problem (e.g., age groups, racial/ethnic groups, and/or gender)?
  2. Be sure to explain the significance of this health Address:
  3. What are the consequences of this health problem (for individuals, society, the economy, )?
  4. Why is it important that this problem be the focus of a public health intervention?


Write a concise summary paragraph that addresses:

  1. The scope of the health problem (i.e., prevalence).
  2. The population subgroup that is most affected by the problem and therefore, which will be the target group for your intervention problem (i.e., the population subgroup defined by age, ethnicity/race, and/or other demographic characteristics).
  3. The community in which you will implement your public health intervention.
  4. Why you have selected this population subgroup and community (e.g.” In this area of County X, teen birth rates are double the national rate.”
  5. Your proposed solution (i.e., in one or two sentences, state that you are proposing X Intervention that is designed to achieve Y).

Check the above, but i need delieverable #2 which was on the original post

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