What problems did the “police state” (for example, Prohibition, immigration restriction and censorship) create in the United States

What problems did the “police state” (for example, Prohibition, immigration restriction and censorship) create in the United States

  • Your essay should provide an answer and evidence to prove your answer (main idea or thesis) to one of the set of questions below. Make certain you utilize at least THREE primary sources to prove the validity of your thesis (main idea). These primary sources are located in the weekly modules.

Questions: Select one set to write your essay.

Q1: What problems did the “police state” (for example, Prohibition, immigration restriction and censorship) create in the United States, during the 1920s? How did a “consumer society” resolve these problems, during the 1930s onward?

Q2: How did totalitarianism and democracy influence the course of the Cold War?

Q3: How did ideas of nationalism and internationalism change from the era of Reconstruction to the end of the Cold War in the United States?

Q4: How did the politics of the Cold War intersect with the politics of the civil rights movement?

Q5: What is the Cold War (1917-1991)? Discuss its cultural, economic, political, religious, and social dimensions.

Q6: Discuss the political, economic, religious and social dimensions of the Civil Rights and/or Black Nationalist movements.

Note: here are some themes to ponder as you begin to brainstorm. Consider the failures and successes of Wilsonianism (that is, making the world safe for democracy post-1921); the affects of the Great Depression on cultural, economic, political and/or social ways in the US; how did the threat of totalitarianism change the cultural, economic, political and/or social ways of the US; how did atomic weapons change US relations with the world; consider the various strategies used by civil rights activists; how did civil rights (non-violence) relate or not to black nationalism; how did the Korean and Vietnam wars affect the United States; how did the Cold War change US immigration policies; what was the new left and new right; consider what changed in the US during the 1960s and 1970s and/or what remained the same.]

The essay must be 900 to 1200 words (roughly 3-4 pages if you have 1” margins, 12 font, Times New Roman, and double-spaced). Essays less than 900 words receive an entire letter grade deduction.

Essay RubricUnsatisfactory (60)Acceptable (70)Satisfactory (80)Good (90)Excellent (100)
Introduction and ThesisYour paper does not have a proper introduction. Your introduction does not end with a distinguishable thesis. 24Your paper introduces the topic inadequately. Your introduction ends with a weak thesis. 28Your paper introduces the topic adequately. Your introduction ends with a somewhat arguable thesis. 32Your paper introduces the topic well. Your introduction ends with an arguable thesis. 36Your paper introduces the topic effectively. Your introduction ends with a strong thesis that is elegantly phrased. 40
Body and StructureYour paragraphs rarely contain topic sentences; specific, detailed evidence; and concluding sentences. 24Your paragraphs occasionally contain topic sentences; specific, detailed evidence; and concluding sentences. 28Your paragraphs frequently contain topic sentences; specific, detailed evidence; and concluding sentences. 32Your paragraphs consistently contain topic sentences; specific, detailed evidence; and concluding sentences. 36Your paragraphs consistently contain topic sentences; specific, detailed evidence; and concluding sentences. These elements are skillfully crafted. 40
Use of EvidenceYour body paragraphs contain no or little evidence from the sources. 12Your body paragraphs contain some evidence from the sources. 14Your body paragraphs contain an adequate amount of evidence from the sources but only some evidence is convincing. 16Your body paragraphs contain a sufficient amount of evidence from the sources and most evidence is convincing. 18Your body paragraphs contain a sufficient amount of well selected and consistently convincing evidence from the sources. 20
ConclusionYour paper does not contain a proper concluding paragraph. 12Your concluding paragraph does not restate your argument concisely; or it does not point to the broader implications and significance of the ideas that your paper presents. 14Your concluding paragraph restates your argument and to some extent points to the broader implications and significance of the ideas that your paper presents. 16Your concluding paragraph restates your argument and points to the broader implications and significance of the ideas that your paper presents. It does so in away that is concise or elegant but not both. 18Your concluding paragraph restates your argument and points to the broader implications and significance of the ideas that your paper presents. It does so in a way that is both concise and elegant. 20
Close ReadingYour paper rarely considers carefully what a source says and the language that the source uses to express it. 12Your paper occasionally considers carefully what a source says and the language that the source uses to express it. 14Your paper frequently considers carefully what a source says and the language that the source uses to express it. 16Your paper consistently considers carefully what a source says and the language that the source uses to express it. 18Your paper consistently considers carefully what a source says and the language that the source uses to express it. It does so in a way that is elaborate and insightful. 20
Contextualizing (10%)Your paper rarely situates developments it addresses in place and time. 12Your paper occasionally situates developments it addresses in place and time. 14Your paper frequently situates developments it addresses in place and time. 16Your paper consistently situates developments it addresses in place and time. 18Your paper consistently situates developments it addresses in place and time. It does so in a way that is elaborate and insightful. 20
ExpressionSentences rarely express your ideas clearly. They are consistently ambiguous or confusing. 12Sentences occasionally express your ideas clearly. They are frequently ambiguous or confusing. 14Sentences frequently express your ideas clearly. They are occasionally ambiguous or confusing. 16Sentences consistently express your ideas clearly. They are rarely ambiguous or confusing. 18Sentences consistently express your ideas clearly. They are elegantly and skillfully phrased. 20
Five Primary Sources in IntroductionYour paper cites no primary sources in the introduction. 12Your paper cites one primary sources in the introduction. 14Your paper cites three primary sources in the introduction. 16Your paper cites three primary sources in the introduction. 20
LengthYour essay is significantly shorter or longer than it should be. 12Your essay is somewhat shorter or longer than it should be. 14Your essay has the right length. 16Your essay has the right length. Your sentences generally move your argument forward. 18Your essay has the right length. It is well edited so that most sentences move your argument forward. 20

Requirements: As described above

Subject: History

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