What is the purpose of a confidence interval (CI)? What information is needed to create the CI?

What is the purpose of a confidence interval (CI)? What information is needed to create the CI?

A. What is the purpose of a confidence interval (CI)? What information is needed to create the CI?
B. How would you determine if the alternative hypothesis was left-tailed, right-tailed, or two-tailed?
C. The p-value (0.001) is compared to the significance level (0.05), which results in rejecting the null hypothesis and accepting the alternate hypothesis. Does that suggest the result has practical significance? Please explain.
D. The Type I and Type II errors are often confusing. Please explain what each means.
E. Please briefly provide an example where a confidence interval or a hypothesis test could be used with practical significance. Please explain in detail.
How does this tie in with hypothesis testing? Since the mean was 29.7 minutes, Ho would not be rejected because it is within the confidence interval.
But if the mean had been 28 or 31 minutes, the null hypothesis would have been rejected, and the alternative hypothesis accepted on a two-tail test.
Hypothesis Testing. I had an ordeal with hypothesis testing on my first attempt. The statistics course was going well, but I discovered that I needed more time to learn the concepts. My first misunderstanding was thinking the null hypothesis, Ho, was the hero to be proven true. But that was wrong. It was just the opposite. Let’s look at an example below.

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What is the purpose of a confidence interval

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