What is the overall impact of water and air pollution on aquatic environments (e.g., (oceans, lakes, and rivers

What is the overall impact of water and air pollution on aquatic environments (e.g., (oceans, lakes, and rivers

Air and Water Pollution

The release of toxicants into the air, via man-made technologies (e.g., fossil fuels by motor vehicles, power plants, industrial processes, etc.), has profoundly impacted health outcomes of populations around the world. For example, “over many decades, the discriminatory policies and practices that constitute environmental racism have disproportionately burdened communities of color, specifically Black Americans, American Indians/Alaska Natives (AIs/ANs), Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, and Hispanic (sometimes called Latinx) populations. Frequently, these communities are located next to pollution sources such as major roadways, toxic waste sites, landfills, and chemical plants. Environmental racism has also concentrated disadvantaged populations in substandard housing, where hazardous exposures are much more likely….Often communities of color face cumulative health impacts from multiple co-occurring exposures” (Kaufman & Anjum Hajat, 2021).

In 2020, the Environmental Performance Index demonstrated that Libera, a country in Sub-Saharan Africa, ranked 180 out of 180 when examining air and drinking water quality, as well as several other factors related to environmental performance (Yale University, 2020). The same ranking system demonstrated a lower level of risk, with respect to air and water quality in Denmark, a European country. Many of the factors that govern environmental inequities, with respect to clean water and air, are strikingly similar across the globe.

create and upload a 3- to 5-minute PowerPoint that examines and discusses only one of the two following topics:

  1. What is the overall impact of water and air pollution on aquatic environments (e.g., (oceans, lakes, and rivers)? Remember that clean water and air are necessary for humans and animals to survive.
    • Please focus on one specific water or air pollutant.
    • Discuss health equity issues related to your chosen pollutant and the social determinants of health (e.g., the social construct of race, built environment, etc.).
  2. What you have learned about the coordination between water utilities and emergency management? Why is this so important in helping to maintain an environment that is healthy and safe under dangerous conditions? Please relate this answer to your weekly reading associated with the overall impact of water and air pollution on aquatic environments. Think about a storm (e.g., hurricane), oil spill, earthquake, wildfire, etc. How do we work to protect aquatic environments as best a possible using the information found within the training?


Kaufman J.D. and Hajat, A. (2021, May 20). Confronting environmental racism. Environmental Health Perspectives,129(5):51001. doi:

Yale University. (2020). Environmental Performance Index. https://epi.yale.edu/about-epi


  • Created and uploaded a 3- to 5-minute PowerPoint which discusses either air/water pollution or the relationship between water utilities and emergency management.
  • Referenced supporting literature and information provided by credible resources.
  • Utilized appropriate writing mechanics (spelling, grammar, APA citation style) and information literacy.


  • Respond to all questions in detail using information found within Environmental textbook and/or other reputable (e.g., peer-reviewed articles, public health organizations, etc.) sources. Support all response with specific examples and evidenced-based public health information. Responses should help to clarify everyone’s understanding of the topic. Analyze each response for completeness and accuracy and by suggesting specific additions or clarifications for improving the discussion question response.
  • All work must be original in nature (i.e., use your own words as much as possible) and free from plagiarism. If needed, quoted material is acceptable but should not comprise over 20% of all information found within the discussion post.
  • Follow APA format for the writing style, spelling and grammar, and citation of sources.

Requirements: 3-5

Masters Public Health

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