What is resilience? In Chapter 7, How did Trinity overcame a traumatic childhood experience?

What is resilience? In Chapter 7, How did Trinity overcame a traumatic childhood experience?

Read this book titled “Born For Love”. It can be downloaded in the provided link : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cG0EUcq7uMdYmRbg3hFWYrGu3nGejPnL8Vwo-6saxPY/edit

Only need to read Chapter 7. Questions are for Chapter 7 only.
Read Chapter 7 then answer following questions.


What is resilience? In Chapter 7, How did Trinity overcame a traumatic childhood experience? What qualities she had and what coping mechanisms she used to survive? How it affected her life especially the physical and emotionla part.?

Answer the questions of no less than 150 words and reply to the answers of two individuals of no less than 100 words each.

Requirements: see above.

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What is resilience?

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