What has been the role of protest parties in Canadian politics? How is their emergence related to brokerage politics?

What has been the role of protest parties in Canadian politics? How is their emergence related to brokerage politics?


USER: T00738826




Assignment 2 consists of two parts: Part A, where you are asked to answer four short-answer questions worth 10 marks each, and Part B, where you are asked to write two short essays worth 30 marks each. If you are following a 16-week schedule, it is suggested that you send this assignment to your Open Learning Faculty Member by the end of Week 10.


Your word-processed assignments should follow the APA format for preparing your paper and citing sources. For guidance on various aspects of conducting research and writing research papers, consult the TRU Library web site. You can also contact the TRU Library faculty for help.

If you have any questions about the assignment, consult your course Open Learning Faculty Member. When you have completed the assignment, submit it to your Open Learning Faculty Member for comments and evaluation.


Full points will be given for each short answer when:

  • The short answer is correct in content, examples, and information.
  • It presents a synthesis of relevant unit information and is written in a logical and persuasive manner.
  • The student uses relevant and well-documented information and evidence to substantiate claims and comments.
  • The answer is well-written and clear.


The criteria that will form the basis for evaluating written assignments are as follows:

Substance (75% of essay mark)

  • The essay provides a correct answer with evidence of critical thinking and analysis as well as synthesis of unit information, and presents logical and persuasive answers to the questions in the assignment.
  • Sources are relevant, current, and credible. They are clearly documented in the paper, even when citing only from the textbook and course material.
  • The introduction offers a sense of direction for the paper and presents a clear thesis statement to the reader.
  • The body develops the necessary aspects of the main idea and provides examples, support, or illustration for each aspect of the main idea.
  • The conclusion summarizes the main points and ties them to the thesis; it also presents an impact statement and/or suggests direction for future research.
  • The whole essay is well organized and presents a clear line of argumentation.

Writing Style and Format (25% of essay mark)

  • Paragraphs are unified, developed, and coherent, with transitions between ideas.
  • Sentences are grammatically correct; words are chosen for accuracy and impact.
  • The writing follows the conventions of spelling and mechanics (punctuation, etc.).
  • The format follows the APA documentation style accurately and consistently.
  • Answers respect format and do not stay under or go over the word limit required.


Answer each of the following four questions in a paragraph of 150–200 words (stay within this word count; answers longer than 200 words will be penalized with lower marks). Part A is worth 40 marks (10 marks for each answer).

  1. What are political parties, and what are their functions in Canadian democracy?
  2. What are the main differences between an election run with a plurality single-member constituency or “first past the post / winner-take-all” electoral system and any proportional representation electoral system? What are some differences in their usual electoral outcomes?
  3. In “Unit 2: Democratic Participation,” https://moodle.tru.ca/mod/book/view.php?id=1367717 we reviewed four analytical perspectives on the study of how interest groups influence politics. Provide a brief summary of these perspectives.
  4. Explain briefly what a “free press” is and why it is considered a necessary ingredient for the effective functioning of a modern democracy such as Canada.


Answer two of the following questions in an essay of approximately 400–600 words (stay within this word count; answers longer than 600 words will be penalized with lower marks). Your answers for Part B are worth 60 marks (30 marks for each essay).

  1. What has been the role of protest parties in Canadian politics? How is their emergence related to brokerage politics? Make sure you define all concepts in the questions and illustrate your answer with examples.
  2. Some critics accuse the Canadian electoral system of distorting the preferences of voters, since it was originally designed for two-party races and Canada has been a multi-party democracy (i.e. more than two viable parties with significant support from at least some part of the country) for nearly a century now. This frequently results in one party winning a majority of seats in the House of Commons even when this party may not have gotten a majority (or even a plurality) of overall votes. Do you think that adopting a system of proportional representation would enhance Canadian democracy? Why or why not?
  3. Discuss the evolution of how parties in Canada have had access to the resources and money they need to operate and contest elections. Do you think the current regulations on party funding advance Canadian democracy, or were previous regulations any better? Why or why not? Make sure that you check the latest legislation on this topic.
  4. What is lobbying? What determines the success or failure of lobbying by interest groups in Canada?
  5. Explain what Canadian content (CanCon) regulations are and discuss whether they are still necessary or effective in today’s media landscape. If they aren’t, how might they be reformed or what might be consequences of abolishing them?
  6. Explain what is meant by the concept of “filters” that influence the products of the mass media and discuss their possible political biases in a Canadian context. How have they changed over time? Illustrate and support your answer with examples from your media journal.

Requirements: 1100 words

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brokerage politics

APA 1560 words

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