What economic factors contributed to the Great Depression, and how did the Hoover Administration respond to the Depression?

What economic factors contributed to the Great Depression, and how did the Hoover Administration respond to the Depression?

Chapter 23: The Great Depression

The wonder of the stock market permeated popular culture in the 1920s. Although it was released during the first year of the Great Depression, the 1930 film High Society Blues captured the speculative hope and prosperity of the previous decade. “I’m in the Market for You,” a popular musical number from the film, even used the stock market as a metaphor for love: You’re going up, up, up in my estimation / I want a thousand shares of your caresses, too / We’ll count the hugs and kisses / When dividends are due / ’Cause I’m in the market for you. But just as the song was being recorded in 1929, the stock market reached the apex of its swift climb, crashed, and brought an abrupt end to the seeming prosperity of the Roaring Twenties. The Great Depression had arrived. Read more from Chapter 23 of the American Yawp https://www.americanyawp.com/text/23-the-great-depression/

1) What economic factors contributed to the Great Depression, and how did the Hoover Administration respond to the Depression? How was President Roosevelt’s New Deal different from the Hoover Administration’s approach to the Depression? How does Herbert Hoover warn America about Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal in the primary source document ,Herbert Hoover on the New Deal (1932)? http://www.americanyawp.com/reader/23-the-great-depression/herbert-hoover-on-the-new-deal-1932/

2) How did the Depression and President Roosevelt’s New Deal reshape American way of life? How did the Depression impact the lives of farmers known as Oakies, and Mexican immigrants living in the U.S.? What does Bertha McCall describe the conditions of internal migrants or “moving people” in the primary source document, Bertha McCall on America’s “Moving People” (1940)? https://www.americanyawp.com/reader/23-the-great-depression/bertha-mccall-on-americas-moving-people-1940/

3)How did the New Deal reorient or influence Americans’ relationship to the government? Why did some Americans criticize the New Deal, and what was the importance of President Franklin Roosevelt’s court-packing scheme concerning the Supreme Court? How does Franklin Roosevelt lay out his understand of what “freedom” and “tyranny” meant in an industrial democracy in the primary source, Franklin Roosevelt’s Re-Nomination Acceptance Speech (1936)? https://www.americanyawp.com/reader/23-the-great-depression/franklin-roosevelts-re-nomination-acceptance-speech-1936/

Requirements: 2 1/2 paragraphs


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Administration respond to the Depression

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