What do you think rights are? Where do our rights “come from” and why do we have political rights? Why is it wrong

What do you think rights are? Where do our rights “come from” and why do we have political rights? Why is it wrong

Your paper should be from 5-7 pages long, and a lot of original work. I don’t want you to spend time summarizing the articles, arguments at all! I’ve read it, and I know you’ve worked through it before (how else could you write it)! I want you to start from that point in your work, and try to write about what the author(s) are trying to prove and what you think about their work. The rest depends on what type of paper you’d like to do, but try to take the two (or more)arguments/articles and show very clearly how they’re related, and why they work together so well. Take a hard stand and come down strong – if they’re things that keep you from doing that, then that’s o.k. just be sure to say exactly what they are. While they’re larger papers, they do not have to be super formal (remember, it is still me reading/grading them) but this is your last stand of sorts – make sure that the grammar and spelling all works out well (it is a serious paper, so I can’t let you get away with silly mistakes everywhere) and that you take the time to be crystal clear. You do not have to take the time to go over every argument someone makes (that would take a book, even for the short articles) but do tell me exactly why you think certain things are important, what they mean, and what you think they are doing to help your case.

If none of this helps, makes sense, or scares you, let me know. I’ll be happy to help with any part of your paper (even picking something to write on) or going over one of the articles.

Option #1:

Throughout the term, we have discussed several authors that have tried to condone a particular view of the word “rights”. Who do you think is correct?

What do you think rights are? Where do our rights “come from” and why do we have political rights? Why is it wrong to violate someone’s rights? Should different cultures, governments have different sets of rights for its people?

Remember, the focus of your paper is to answer 2 questions: 1) what the word “right” means, 2) an explanation of your answer. You do not need to review the assignments we covered in class, unless you share the same thoughts as one of our authors. You are not graded on your ability to summarize what others have said, but rather your ability to present a solid, thoroughly explained philosophical argument.

Option #2:

Throughout the term, we have discussed two authors that have that discussed tastes. How do you feel about their efforts?

Do you think beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or do you think some tastes (and opinions) are better or more legitimate than others? What would make a person’s opinion better? How could all opinions be equal, especially is someone is more informed or more experienced?

Remember, the focus of your paper is to answer 2 questions: 1) how we can compare the quality of two opinions over a work of art, 2) an explanation of your answer. You do not need to review the assignments we covered in class, unless you share the same thoughts as one of our authors. You are not graded on your ability to summarize what others have said, but rather your ability to present a solid, thoroughly explained philosophical argument.

Option #3:

Throughout the term, we have discussed three authors that have that tried to define the word “truth”. How do you feel about their efforts?

Do you think that there can only be one “version of the truth”? Do you think that there can only be one truth, and it is simply impossible for a statement to actually be true to one person and (the exact same statement) false to another? Does truth have to have some connection to “facts”?

Remember, the focus of your paper is to answer 2 questions: 1) how can we correctly understand what the word “truth” means, 2) an explanation of your answer. You do not need to review the assignments we covered in class, unless you share the same thoughts as one of our authors. You are not graded on your ability to summarize what others have said, but rather your ability to present a solid, thoroughly explained philosophical argument.

Option #4:

Throughout the term, we have discussed three authors that have that debated the existence of souls and the human mind. How do you feel about their efforts?

Do you think souls exist? If so, what are? How should we talk about souls? What do they do? Can you prove that we have a soul? Is it possible to overcome the “mind body problem”?

Do you think there are no such things as souls? If so, how do you understand the term soul? What would we use to replace the concept of a soul? Is there any real difference between talking about “souls” and “minds” or “consciousness”?

Remember, the focus of your paper is to answer 2 questions: 1) do people have souls?, 2) an explanation of your answer. You do not need to review the assignments we covered in class, unless you share the same thoughts as one of our authors. You are not graded on your ability to summarize what others have said, but rather your ability to present a solid, thoroughly explained philosophical argument.

Requirements: 5-7 pages long   |   .doc file

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What do you think rights are

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