What are the resources available in YOUR city/state for helping individuals with special needs?

What are the resources available in YOUR city/state for helping individuals with special needs?

Your Topic: UWA Spr2-23 Module 3 Discussion Assignment

Assignment Details: After Reading Chapters 7-9, (Chapter 7-9 will be emailed to you)  respond to following questions.
What are the resources available in YOUR city/state for helping individuals with special needs? What are the major cultural groups in the United States ? What are the particular problems facing each group?
What are the myths about older workers? Women? Workers from minority groups? How did the class discover that these were myths? What are the problems associated with involuntary job change?

Preferred Format: APA

Number of Sources:

Number of Pages: 2

PowerPoint slides:

Preferred Spacing: Double spaced

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helping individuals with special needs

APA 649 words

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