What are some of the common causes of victimization that you see across these cases? What are some features

What are some of the common causes of victimization that you see across these cases? What are some features

In the materials for this week we have studied three distinct societies—India, the west coast of the US and Moldova. What are some of the common causes of victimization that you see across these cases? What are some features that make each distinct? As you answer address this question—give extra attention to any instances of TCA and the rescue narrative.

Discussion Post Rubric

In this course I have the following expectations for your discussion posts:

  • Each post should be a between 350 and 400 words;
  • The Discussion Post question will be posted on Sunday for the following week;
  • Your post is due by Thursday at midnight MST;
  • Specific engagement with class readings: In each post I will ask you to reference, mention or address some reading from our class. Please do this with a specific reference to the reading. I am not looking for you to make a general point but rather to say that on page 132 Jones tells us that, “X, Y and Z makes this population more vulnerable to becoming a trafficking victim.”
  • Your voice/Analysis: I want to hear your opinion on the material. If you think that an author is wrong, make that argument and show us why. If you think that a peer’s analysis needs some development, offer that but do so in a collegial way. I am looking for your original thoughts, ideas, voice and analysis.

Requirements: 400 words

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common causes of victimization

APA 505 words

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