What are some micro/local or macro/global ways we can set forth to find an equitable and healthy balance between politics and humanitarianism

What are some micro/local or macro/global ways we can set forth to find an equitable and healthy balance between politics and humanitarianism

Currently, the intersection of politics and humanitarian aid can result in a dehumanizing experience for refugees.

What are some micro/local or macro/global ways we can set forth to find an equitable and healthy balance between politics and humanitarianism so that the government system is embodied by both principles that already government both entities separately? What specific power dynamics would need to be shifted to achieve this goal?

Additionally, how can humanitarian organizations commit to their humanitarian role without being influenced by the political interests of allying countries and the inherent power dynamics that buttress them?


Agier, M. (2010). “Humanity as an Identity and Its Political Effects (A Note on Camps and Humanitarian Government).” Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development 1 (1): 29–45.

Krevor, Tor. (2011). “Mopping-up’: UNHCR, Neutrality and Non-Refoulement since the Cold War.” Chinese Journal of International Law 10(3): 587-608.

Ticktin, M. (2006). “Where Ethics and Politics Meet: The Violence of Humanitarianism in France.” American Ethnologist 33 (1): 33–49.

Requirements: 200 words

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politics and humanitarianism

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