We began the course by discussing different approaches/attitudes to religious diversity (presence of multiple religions in the world)

We began the course by discussing different approaches/attitudes to religious diversity (presence of multiple religions in the world)

Here is the instruction for your Final Reflection Paper (3.5 points)

Single-spaced, 1 page. Make sure to meet this required minimum! (You can rewrite the questions and answer them in your paper)

We learned so much in this class and I am grateful that you followed this far!

As we wrap up this course, please take a moment to reflect what we have learned and answer these questions: 

  1. We began the course by discussing different approaches/attitudes to religious diversity (presence of multiple religions in the world). What was your initial position? Did it remain unchanged or changed/become nuanced?
  2. What is your personal religious tradition? I AM  A MUSLIM (You may not have one and that is totally great and you can write about your personal ideas on religions or life in general) If we covered it in class, was there anything you learned new? Was there anything that you wanted to learn more? Was there anything that you want to elaborate further as a practitioner? 
  3. What religion (other than your own) did you find most interesting to learn in this course? Why? Was there a religion that was particularly difficult for you to fully grasp?
  4. There are some people who think religion as a whole (be it any kind of religion and any position in religion – either liberal or fundamental) is bad for humanity (these are called “military/hard atheists”). Do you think that religion, in general, has had a positive or negative effect on the world and on individual human beings? How can we “practice” (or “use”) religion so that it can contribute to making a better world?
  5. If you decide to take another course on religion in the future, what would be the title or main topic of the course?   

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different approaches/attitudes to religious diversity

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