Watch the film, The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley (or another film about Theranos or read articles about her

Watch the film, The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley (or another film about Theranos or read articles about her

1.Read article – Business for Good in Subsistence Marketplaces:

Summarize what you learned from this article.

Describe how you will apply what you learned from reading this article to the group project. How does this connect to the book, The Business of Building a Better World, and our time with Audrey Selian? Respond explicitly to the reading. (200 words)

2.Watch the film, The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley (or another film about Theranos or read articles about her).

What does the story of Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos teach you about the dangers of business for good?

Considering other examples covered in the course or elsewhere, why does Business For Good go Bad? How can we prevent Business for Good from going Bad? (200 words)

Requirements: 400 words   |   .doc file

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Watch the film

APA 442 words

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