Watch the film Our Disappeared and write a documentary film review.

Watch the film Our Disappeared and write a documentary film review.

Watch the film Our Disappeared and write a documentary film review.

Select this link for Film Review Instruction(file attached) to guide you through the process.

Cultural Exploration Expectations:

  • Directions for completing the film review are available at the top of the document titled “Film Review Instruction 102” located in the Content Section of week 5.
  • The review should be written in essay form with an introduction, body and conclusion, just like your other Dropbox assignments.
  • The review should be 400-500 words, double spaced with 1 inch margins.
  • If you include research beyond the film, please include a reference section.
  • Save the work in a Word document and place in the Dropbox by Sunday 11:59 p.m. CT of Week 5.
  • It is worth 50 points.

Requirements: .doc

Answer preview for the paper on ‘Watch the film Our Disappeared and write a documentary film review.’

 documentary film review

APA 522 words

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