Using the same three legal terms you defined in Part I, find a case from your state or federal jurisdiction discussing the term and cite the case

Using the same three legal terms you defined in Part I, find a case from your state or federal jurisdiction discussing the term and cite the case

Short Paper 1

I.Choose three legal terms from the following list and define them.

•Dram shop or Dram Shop Act or liability or statute

•False imprisonment

•Libel or slander

•Sovereign Immunity

•Corpus delecti

•Occupational disease


II.Using the same three legal terms you defined in Part I, find a case from your state or federal jurisdiction discussing the term and cite the case (you need to fine one case for each legal term for a total of three cases).

III.Review the following fact pattern. Determine the issue(s) in the case, and, using the search features found on two databases (one must be NexisUni; the other may be Google or a similar search engine), look for information about the applicable law. From your search results, summarize the legal issue(s) present in the fact pattern and the applicable law. You must use a source from each database, and you must cite your sources. You may choose a jurisdiction. This need not be an in-depth analysis of the law. You need only provide overview information about the potential legal issue(s) and applicable law.

Rimma was traveling at 40 miles per hour (mph) on a city street when Emerson, moving at 65 mph, ran into the back of Rimma’s vehicle. Emerson did not notice that traffic was slowing and that Rimma’s brake lights were on. Emerson was talking on a cell phone, and he was in a hurry to get to his office. Emerson was returning from an appointment with his physician, and he had taken a strong sedative about 30 minutes prior to the accident. There was serious damage to Rimma’s car. She was also injured. Because of the accident, Rimma could not get to her job that evening. She had a contract for a special event that would have paid her $1000.00.

The Rimma case above is for part III. My state is New York for part 2, just so you know.

Requirements: Total 2 pages


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federal jurisdiction

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