Use either the 2022 TIP report and find 1 NGO report on victim services in BANGLEDESH to assess whether victims are provided services

Use either the 2022 TIP report and find 1 NGO report on victim services in BANGLEDESH to assess whether victims are provided services

each outline statement shall be cited so the outline can be comprised into a final paper, it will make the transition easier. so please include as many citations as possible in the outline!!!

Outline Part 4 of your final paper focused on victim services, policies, and responses to trafficking in your case of TRAFFICKING IN BANGLEDESH.a 3 -page paper addressing the following on your case:

  • Use either the 2022 TIP report and find 1 NGO report on victim services in BANGLEDESH to assess whether victims are provided services and support or arrested, detained and deported.
  • Using Scholenhart & Markey-Towler make an argument about whether non-criminalization should be national policy in your case study. Explain the concept from Scholenhardt and Markey-Towler and make an argument about why you think it should or should not be passed into national law in your case.
  • Use the 2022 TIP report to find arrest, prosecution and conviction rates for traffickers in BANGLEDESH.
  • Apply the insights from Nichols and Heil to analyze whether police and prosecutors suffer from any of the challenges that these author identify in their work.
  • I will be looking for the following as I grade your outline
    • Has the author addressed victim services, arrest, prosecution and conviction rates?
    • Has the author made an argument about non-criminalization in their case?
    • Has the author applied insights from Nichols & Heil in a discussion of challenges in identifying victims and prosecuting traffickers?
    • Has the author cited 1 NGO report, the TIP report, Scholehardt & Markey-Towler and Nichols & Heil?
    • Has the author included a properly formatted works cited page that includes: the US TIP report for their case study, 1 NGO report, Scholehardt & Markey-Towler and Nichols & Heil?


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victim services in BANGLEDESH

APA 1166 words

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