Transitioning from the professional nursing role (RN) to advanced practice nursing role (APN) requires learners

Transitioning from the professional nursing role (RN) to advanced practice nursing role (APN) requires learners

Transitioning from the professional nursing role (RN) to advanced practice nursing role (APN) requires learners to intentionally reflect on what they know and what they need to know. Becoming familiar with the expected core competencies will help you understand the practice behavior expectations. In this week’s reflection discussion, choose at least 1 core competencies from the APN role you have choose to become.

  • Reflect on your past experiences in nursing and consider how the role change to APN may challenge your knowledge and skills?
  • Discuss on least 2 expectations/outcomes of your identified competency that you think you have met from your past nursing experiences?
  • Discuss at least 2 expectations/outcomes of the competency that you have yet to meet from your past nursing experiences?
  • Reflect on actions you plan to take to further develop your thinking and skills on your identified competency as it applies to the advanced practice nurse role.

Please note:

  • This is a reflection and therefore no references are needed nor expected.
  • There is only one (1) post for this discussion board.
  • There is no requirement to respond to any of your peers.
  • Your response should be 200-250 words in length.

Guidelines: In your discussion response, provide a substantive response that illustrates a well-reasoned and thoughtful response. Reflective posts provide you an opportunity to think back on the concepts and materials you reviewed for the week. A reflection is a method for personal growth. A reflection post can help answer questions, such as, “How has my thinking changed this past week?”, “How can I use the concepts or relationships from the course readings and course content in my practice?” Reflection enhances personal and professional growth by making connections to previous course content and/or presenting novel ideas and insights.

Requirements: 1 page


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professional nursing role

APA 315 words

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