To get started I thought it might be fun and interesting to consider the Humanities through a more modern media influence

To get started I thought it might be fun and interesting to consider the Humanities through a more modern media influence

This is a Flip grid video discussion that requires an original post and video responses to at least two other students. Answer the following prompt and then respond to your classmates. The original video must be posted by Friday 1/13 to earn credit!

Prompt: Class, Assemble!

To get started I thought it might be fun and interesting to consider the Humanities through a more modern media influence and, currently, the MCU is a significant example of this. Marvel comics both in book form and on screen have had a significant impact on culture and has reflected historical concepts and events such as significant wars, think of Captain America, or groundbreaking political moments, such as the Spiderman comic with Barack Obama on the cover. Also, these rich characters and their worlds are perfect examples of the centrality of our course themes — identity, morality, religion, love, and family — to life and the development of culture.

In this beginning discussion post you have two goals for your introduction video: introduce the class to you and introduce us to how you view the Humanities

Original Video Post: For your post, you need to do two things:

1) Introduce Yourself: Standard introduction material applies, but please also keep it interesting!

2) Discuss the Humanities: Pick at least one character from a superhero movie (DC is okay too!) and use them to explain what you think are critical values or pieces of culture that the Humanities is about and how this example captures that. There is no wrong answer. Be creative — that is the fun part of this assignment!

Note: For those who may be unfamiliar or less engaged with the new superhero trend, here are some sample character descriptions

Response Posts: Respond to at least two classmates and ask thoughtful questions. Feel free to build common ground and establish community connections (e.g. I like that movie too, that’s my favorite character, etc.), but your responses have to go beyond this to earn full credit.

 Expectations for Discussions:

  • I am expecting a college-level video post with professional and academic, but also introduction type responses (note that you will lose points if your posts/replies do not meet this requirement).
  • You must post your First initial video answer to the prompt, no later than Friday January 13th. Then, the video replies to other student’s posts no later than Sunday January 15th.
  • Have fun and discuss personal reactions to modern pop culture, but remember that you responses should also go beyond that to add academic insight

Please Note: I cannot attach a discussion rubric to a Flipgrid assignment. Please use the expected quality guides above to make sure your content is appropriate and the Class Discussion Post section of the syllabus to explain how many points each individual post is worth

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My name is salem. Major is business. I now live in the city of Orlando, which is located in Florida, United States of America, and my family lives in my home country, Kuwait, and we consist of my mother and father, and I have three brothers and four sisters.  Other’s property

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consider the Humanities through a more modern media influence

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