Journal 20

1. Write about a time when you were off course and took effective actions to get back on course. Examples include ending an unhealthy relationship, entering college years after high school, changing careers, stopping an addiction, choosing to be more assertive, or changing a negative belief or bias you held about yourself, other people, or the world. Dive deep in your journal entry by asking and answering questions such as the following:

– In what area of my life was I off course?

– What choices had I made to get off course?

– What changes did I make to get back on course?

– What challenges did I face while making this change?

– What personal strengths helped me make this change?

– What benefits did I experience as a result of my change?

– If I hadn’t made this change, what would my life be like today?

2. Write about an area of your life in which you are off course today. If you need help in identifying an area, review your desired outcomes and experiences from Journal Entry 8 and your goals and dreams from Journal Entry 9. Explain which area of your life is furthest from the way you would like it to be. What choices have you made that got you off course? What will be the effect on your life if you continue to stay off course?

The fact that you’ve made positive changes in the past is a good reminder that you have the personal strengths to make similar changes whenever you wish. All you need is the awareness that you’re off course and the motivation to make new choices.

When you’re finished, upload or share your journal entry. Then hit “Submit Now” to submit this assignment for grading.

Journal 21

1. Write about one of your self-defeating behavior patterns. Choose a behavior pattern that you checked on the list in Chapter 6 or identify a self-defeating behavior that isn’t on the list but that you do often. (Download the attachment in this activity for a copy of the list.) Remember, a behavior is something someone else can see you do. Develop your journal paragraphs by anticipating questions that someone reading them might have about this behavior pattern. (Even you might have questions when you read your journal 10 years from now.) For example:

– What exactly is your self-defeating behavior pattern?

– What are some specific examples of when you did this behavior?

– What may have caused this habit?

– What undesirable effects has it had on your life?

– How would your life be improved if you changed it?

One student began by writing, “One of my self-defeating behavior patterns is that I seldom do my best work on college assignments. For example, in my biology lab . . .”

2. Repeat Step 1 for one of your self-defeating thought patterns or for one of your self-defeating emotional patterns. Once again, choose a pattern that you checked on the list, or identify a habit that isn’t on the list but that you often think or feel. You might begin, “One of my self-defeating thought patterns is that I often wonder if I’m smart enough to be successful in college. I especially think this during exams. For example, last Thursday I . . . Or . . . One of my self-defeating emotional patterns is that I often feel frustrated. For example . . . “.

When you’re finished, upload or share your journal entry. Then hit “Submit Now” to submit this assignment for grading.

Journal 23

To focus your mind, ask yourself, “What do successful people do consistently? What are their thoughts, attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs?”

1. Title this journal entry “MY PERSONAL RULES FOR SUCCESS IN COLLEGE AND IN LIFE.” Below that, write a list of your own rules for achieving your goals in college. Also, consider rules that will benefit your health. List only those actions which you’re willing to commit to do consistently. You might want to print your rules on certificate paper and post them where you can see them daily (perhaps right next to your affirmation). Consider adopting the following as your first three rules:

A. I show up.

B. I do my very best work.

C. I participate actively.

2. Write your thoughts and feelings about which of your personal rules is the most important to your success in college and in life, and why.

What if one of your rules was: I dive deep! How much would that rule improve your results in college and in life?

When you’re finished, upload or share your journal entry. Then hit “Submit Now” to submit this assignment for grading.

Requirements: 2 1/2 paragraphs

Subject:  Psychology

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