This assignment is meant for you to compare and contrast two different organizing models on an issue of your interest

This assignment is meant for you to compare and contrast two different organizing models on an issue of your interest

Community Organizing Assignment

This assignment is meant for you to compare and contrast two different organizing models on an issue of your interest. Your assignment must address the following 4 points:

1.) Issue:

  1. Select and explain a particular issue that affects vulnerable individuals,
  2. Provide a background on the issue,
  3. Explain the specific neighborhood of San Diego or a similar geographic community affected by this issue,  
  4. Include a detailed description of the specific community’s demographics.

2.) Explain Conflict Organizing: Provide a detailed explanation of the steps you would take to engage the community using Conflict Organizing:

  1. How will you mobilize the community to participate in this organizing effort,
  2. Who is your target, and explain why you chose the individual you chose,  
  3. Provide a detailed description of how you will place pressure on the target,
  4. Explain in detail what you are negotiating to achieve (what are the terms/action items you are demanding the target to do),  
  5. Explain when you would claim victory (what would need to happen for you to know you got what you asked for),
  6. Explain how you will celebrate victory. 

3.) Explain Consensus Organizing:

  1. How will you engage the community?
    1. How would you rally the community to participate?
    1. What is their self-interest in the solution being implemented?
  2. Identify the community’s assets and strengths (internal resources) to address their concern:
    1. At least 3 different internal stakeholders
    1. At least 3 strengths (Social, Physical, Human Capital)
    1. Explain why they want to be involved in your solution (their self-interest in implementing it).
  3. Explain how you will involve and compel outside (external) resources to participate,
    1. At least 3 different external stakeholders
    1. At least one funding external resource. Total 4 external resources.
    1. Explain why they want to be involved in your solution (their self-interest in implementing it).
  4. In the overall answer for Consensus Organizing, you need to incorporate what the mutually beneficial solution you are proposing is and how the internal and external resources are involved.

4.) Contrast the two approaches in terms of effectiveness practicality and community receptivity.

Submission Options:

Paper Submission:  APA format, 12pt. Times New Roman font, double spaced, & one-inch margins. Minimum 6 pages – Maximum 8 pages.

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compare and contrast two different organizing models

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