think about how food and our eating habits positively and negatively influence American culture

think about how food and our eating habits positively and negatively influence American culture

Part 1

Write a 200+ word response to the following topic:

After reading and taking notes on Excelsior’s Online Writing Lab on the Writing Process and viewing and taking notes on all FOUR of UNC’s excellent videos on the writing process, tell me the following in 1+ well-developed par.

1) Tell me something NEW you learned from these resources. If you learned several new things, then include them all.

2) How will you use these techniques to perform well in our writing class this semester?

3) What is something that you think you will not use and tell me why.

Part 2

Write a 200+ word response to the following topic prompts:

First, answer the following question:

Based on your previous learning experiences in school, what are your expectations for college? What do you expect from your classes, teachers, and overall experience that will be the same or different from all your previous learning experiences?

Second, read the handout “Tips for Students: How College is Different from High School” and tell us how reading matched, changed, or did not change your expectations for college learning. Did you learn anything new or surprising? If so, what was it?

Part 3

Write a 200+ word journal response to the following questions in complete sentences when possible:

1) Identify 3 ways that the power of food was demonstrated in the article. Give specific details and fully explain HOW food was powerful and why it was so in each way.

2) Before reading this article, did you believe that food held a certain amount of power in our lives? Fully explain why it does or does not in your opinion.

3) After reading this article, how have your beliefs changed? Fully explain why or why not.

4) Lastly, think about how food and our eating habits positively and negatively influence American culture. Now, think about the food culture of Milpa Alta and its positive influence in the community. In what ways can Americans learn from the people of Milpa Alta to improve our own culture and eating habits?

Requirements: As required   |   .doc file

Subject: English

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eating habits positively

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