The Toltecas are the main group to rise after the downfall of Teotihuacan in the central highlands of Mesoamerica.

The Toltecas are the main group to rise after the downfall of Teotihuacan in the central highlands of Mesoamerica.

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The Toltecas are the main group to rise after the downfall of Teotihuacan in the central highlands of Mesoamerica.

In this week’s module, in the Rise of the Toltecs, discuss and identify 2 key ideas in their development of their calendar. And, explain what aspect in development of their calendar you found most interesting.

For a 2 point extra credit, you can record using audio or video to make your response. Look for the audio or video button. It looks like a filmstrip (when you place the cursor over the film strip, it shows RECORD/UPLOAD MEDIA)

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The Toltecas are the main group to rise after the downfall of Teotihuacan in the central highlands of Mesoamerica.

APA 316 words

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