The purpose of this paper is to link theoretical/scholarly material about behavior change and communication to a “real world” campaign

The purpose of this paper is to link theoretical/scholarly material about behavior change and communication to a “real world” campaign

Fridays for Future

please upload an outline of your final paper that includes your introduction, all of your subheaders/main sections for the entire paper, and a topic sentence for each main point of your paper. Writing a topic sentence for every paragraph is a simple trick to strengthen your writing and organization by helping you figure out the direction of your paper and what is both in or out of the intended scope of the essay. If you really want to create a strong outline, you may also wish to write transition sentences connecting the topic you are covering in one paragraph to the topic you will be covering in the next paragraph. 

Introduction rubric

You will write a 2 page persuasive and evidence-based introduction for your final campaign paper. The introduction should make a clear case for why your specific campaign and its issue is important as well as how it attempted to change individual or group behaviors. All claims must be backed with evidence. The text should lead to a clear argument about the issue the campaign attempted to address, why the campaign was necessary and briefly discuss what artifacts you are considering analyzing for the final paper. These artifacts should be items such as press releases, media (YouTube videos, tweets, Instagram posts, etc.) or anything else the campaign released in hopes of changing behavior. Later in the semester you will be asked to use one of the theories we discuss in this class to analyze how well these artifacts addressed common behavior change principles, but this is not necessary at this point.

You will also attach the citations and abstracts of 3 research studies that you plan on using for the literature review portion of your research brief. This will ensure that your topic is viable based on the current literature. This will also reveal if your campaign is too new to study at this point. Unfortunately, as you may remember from Research and Writing Methods, it takes time to get a paper published. This means current campaigns may not be a viable option for this assignment as there may not be enough peer reviewed information published. I highly recommend you look for a past campaign (one that is fully completed or has used a phased release and certain phases are now done) to study for this paper.

Final paper rubric


The purpose of this paper is to link theoretical/scholarly material about behavior change and communication to a “real world” campaign. You will select a campaign of interest to you that used a media channel to reach it’s intended audience. This could include traditional news outlets, the blogosphere, various social media outlets, or some combination of these channels. You will then critique and analyze the case from the theoretical frameworks and perspectives in the scholarly literature you have chosen. Your case study should conclude with a summary of lessons learned from the case and/or any recommendations you have for how the individuals and/or organizations involved could have used behavior change theory more strategically to realize more favorable outcomes. The paper should have a minimum of 10 pages and a maximum of 15 pages of double-spaced text, not including the cover page or references (60 points).

Please make sure the body of your case study paper includes all of the following components:
Paper Components:

  1. Introduction: Describes overall purpose of paper (includes description of case for background/context; briefly previews the campaign that will be analyzed and theoretical/scholarly literature that will be used; makes argument for why that area of scholarly literature is best suited to understanding the case).
  2. Literature Review: Summary of theoretical/scholarly literature reviewed for the case (at least 10 sources cited).
  3. Method:  Identifies the type of content analysis that will be conducted and discusses: content that will be analyzed; provides rationale for content selected; describes how content will be collected; briefly identifies qualitative content analysis as the method of data analysis.
  4. Results: Qualitative content analysis that is clearly guided by the theoretical framework/scholarly literature reviewed for the case (e.g., if you reviewed Social Cognitive theories/principles, you should be analyzing your data to report if and how those principles were used). Findings from analyzed data are written in a narrative/thematic/descriptive format with example quotes interspersed to serve as evidence.
  5. Discussion: Provides comparisons/contrasts to previous literature AND practical lessons learned and/or recommendations you have for how the individuals and/or organizations involved could have used theory to more strategically organize the campaign to realize more favorable outcomes.

Limit the body of your paper to about 10-15 pages double-spaced; this page limit does not include the coversheet and references.  Follow APA style for citations and your reference list. An example of the sample sections of the paper can be found in this section. Please note that this sample is not a cohesive paper, but rather a collection of sections from different papers that have been successfully drafted. This sections are not perfect, so please consider on how you could improve upon the sample work in your final assignment.

CriteriaPoints Possible
Introduction describes overall purpose of paper (describes case, briefly previews type of media content analyzed and area of scholarly literature reviewed; makes argument for why that scholarly literature is best suited to the case).
Literature review cites at least 10 scholarly sources that are appropriate for the case. Literature is concisely and effectively summarized.9
Method section identifies the type of content analysis that will be conducted and discusses how content that will be analyzed; provides rationale for content selected; describes how content will be collected; briefly identifies qualitative content analysis as the method of data analysis. Decisions reflect clear logic.6
Results section takes the form of a qualitative content analysis. Findings are clearly and effectively conveyed in a narrative/descriptive format with quotes from the data interspersed for evidence.8
Discussion section is clearly the product of an analysis process that was guided by the theoretical framework/scholarly literature reviewed (e.g., if you reviewed Social Cognitive theories/principles, you should be analyzing your data to report if and how those principles were used.)11
Discussion includes comparisons/contrasts to previous literature AND practical lessons learned and/or recommendations about how the individuals and/or organizations involved could have used theory to more strategically organize the campaign to realize more favorable outcomes.6
Organization (solid introduction and conclusion; body text is organized topically/conceptually; clear paragraph structure with topic sentences and supporting detail)6
Written quality – clarity, creativity, grammar, spelling, and punctuation6
Proper use of APA citations and references.3

Following is the grading rubric:

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real world” campaign

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