The purpose of this assignment is to develop your moral sensitivity—the ability to recognize ethical issues—and your skills in analyzing those ethical issues

The purpose of this assignment is to develop your moral sensitivity—the ability to recognize ethical issues—and your skills in analyzing those ethical issues

Identification and Analysis Assignment Instructions (10 pts)

The purpose of this assignment is to develop your moral sensitivity—the ability to recognize ethical issues—and your skills in analyzing those ethical issues.  Follow the instructions below.

**Download these instructions so you can copy/paste the chart.


  1. Review the “Applying the Critical Thinking Model Video” from minutes 1:41-5:15 (Identification) and 7:00-10:14 (Analysis). The video will help refresh your memory about these two steps and give an example of how to do them.
  • Read the assigned case study. Read it carefully and repeatedly, taking notes about the details of the case (you don’t have to include your notes in your submission—they’re just to help you keep track of details). As you read the case, look for ethical issues: moral problems, questions, situations or actions in the case. Try to spot as many as you can.
  • Write a paragraph explaining what you think is the central ethical issue of the case study. The central ethical issue is the main problem that the decision-maker must resolve.  State the central ethical issue as clearly and directly as possible (“The central ethical issue is…”) Explain your reasoning about why this is the central issue. Why is it the main problem?  
  • Write a second paragraph listing as many other secondary (related) ethical issues as you can identify.  Secondary ethical issues are related moral problems that contribute to the importance of the central issue, or ones that make up the background context of the central issue (like social policies or laws). Think of them as being the “threads” that make up a spider’s web, with the central ethical issue in the middle. Try to pick out as many threads as you can. Try to be as thoughtful as possible.


  • Copy (highlight, right click, select copy) and paste (click into your new document, right click, select paste) the chart below into your paper
Optionsà Stakeholders (below)    
  • Fill in the boxes on the top row with options the decision-maker might select as ways to solve the central ethical issue.  These options are choices that the decision-maker might act upon. Come up with four options, and be sure to focus on ONE person’s perspective—the one who’s forced to deal with the central ethical issue.
  • Fill in the boxes in the leftmost column with the names of five stakeholders who will be affected by the outcome of how this issue is resolved.
  • Complete the rest of the chart by detailing the likeliest effects each option for each stakeholder.  How would those people be affected by each choice? Look at pg. 10 in Chapter 4 of The Moral Compass for an example of how to fill this out.
  • Do NOT just write your answers into this document as a template.  Your submission should be a new document.  Format the Identification section in either MLA or APA formatting style, including correct margins, line spacing, etc. If you need help formatting your paper, refer to Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab (OWL) for free information about how to set up papers in MLA or APA.

Upload your completed Identification and Analysis Assignment in the appropriate drop box.

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ethical issues

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