The goal of this journal is to capture your journey during this semester. By Journal I mean a coherent essay

The goal of this journal is to capture your journey during this semester. By Journal I mean a coherent essay


  • Week 16 (May 10): Assignment 5 due: Student’s Journal

(Write an essay paper: 2-3 pages)

What is a Journal?

Synthesis of your learning during the semester, followed by class presentation.

We learn and forget. Tell me the 1% you will remember the most from this course. That is the key point of this assignment

Detailed guiding questions for this assignment:

The goal of this journal is to capture your journey during this semester. By Journal I mean a coherent essay paper about “what you learned from the course” and how the course contributed to your knowledge and your life. You shall include in this paper “how the course challenged you” and whether you benefited from taking this course. In so doing you shall explain how the course helped you achieve the educational goals of our university.


Requirements: 2-3 PAGES

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capture your journey during this semester

APA 900 words

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