The Executive Team. Identify the roles and key positions. These members can handle decision making and direct activation

The Executive Team. Identify the roles and key positions. These members can handle decision making and direct activation

In the event of an activation to your continuing development of your town COOP plan, teams must be designated according to the initial disaster/emergency implementations (Flooding, Terrorist threat, Cyber security, or Active shooter, etc.). These are to be activated by Yourtown (PHX, AZ) government building office of emergency management and homeland security to best manage and perform essential life saving functions.

To staff these teams, key positions must be provided along with the management and technical functions you deem necessary to establish essential functions within 12 hours after the emergency event. In addition, supporting personnel must be identified to perform critical activities necessary to sustain essential functions for a period of up to 30 days.

Identify and describe the roles of the key positions and resources for each in regard to the below five types of teams in a 1,200 -word essay:

  1. The Executive Team. Identify the roles and key positions. These members can handle decision making and direct activation or partial activation of the plan. Members of this team should not be tasked with work on the advance team or even be expected to be involved with early operations team activities. Some senior leadership personnel can likely take on some tasks such as media and interagency contacts, freeing up advance, operations, support and contingency teams to assure that essential functions are carried out. They can also be expected to be influential in leveraging assistance and removing obstacles that were unanticipated.
  2. The Advance Team. Identify the roles and key positions. This team is to immediately engage in after activation or partial activation of the COOP plan. Select and detail how they are to perform the activities necessary to ready the system for the performance of essential functions. This may include the restoration of telecommunications and information technology systems capabilities, the mobilization of resources, the preparation of deployment sites and/or alternate operating locations, and the location and protection of vital records, data sets, and databases.
  3. The Operations Team. Identify the roles and key positions. This team will lead the performance of essential functions, developing strategies and plans to ensure their continuation no later than 12 hours after the emergency event. The operations team will coordinate with the advance team to synchronize operations and to successfully bring up services and systems using alternate locations, back-up systems, mobilized resources, temporary work procedures, and predetermined or impromptu deployment sites.
  4. Support Teams. Identify the roles and key positions. Support teams are typically organized by functions and will focus their activities on the discrete activities necessary to perform essential functions. The activities may include vehicle operations, maintenance crews, inspection and damage assessment teams, traffic control and direction; public outreach/information; and support crews to emergency responders. There may be one or more support teams specified.
  5. Contingency Teams- Although, initially, this team may not be needed, identify the roles and key positions. These personnel will report to their homes or other locations to wait for direction from the operations team or support teams. These personnel understand that they may be assigned to perform a range of functions necessary to support the transportation agency, its users and customers, and emergency responders. As they are called upon to support the agency’s return to normal operations, these personnel may be organized into one or more teams.
  6. Lastly, create a chart roster reflecting each team’s personnel that you will use to support your COOP plan. If Yourtown doesn’t have personnel for each role or position, provide an explanation for how your COOP will address these limitations.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA Style


Topic 5 DQ 1

Discuss the importance of having designated time/phases of your Continuity of Operations Plan. Explain if every disaster has the same impact on the continuity of operations in each organization or not.

Topic 5 DQ 2

Discuss hours of operation and the impact on the execution of a COOP. For example, if government offices are open Monday-Friday 8-5, how would you as the Emergency Manager need to consider COOP activation during regular hours of operations versus non-hours of operation?

‘Subject: Risk Management’Subject: Risk Management

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