The applicant must present information demonstrating its experience and qualifications and how it is uniquely

The applicant must present information demonstrating its experience and qualifications and how it is uniquely

Need help writing up just these two sections of a mock grant using the website. The delivery method we are writing to would be remote and national.– Company

The applicant must present information demonstrating its experience and qualifications and how it is uniquely positioned to leverage national or regional assets to execute the proposed project successfully. The application should include the following information: i. Applicant Profile: A summary of the applicant’s organization, its mission and programs, and organizational capability in helping businesses gain access to capital, networks, and capacity building. Please include any numerical data broken down on an annual basis up to the last five years to support the applicant’s track record and experience. ii. Applicant Track Record working with SEDI entrepreneurs: The applicant should describe its experience working with SEDI entrepreneurs. For the purposes of demonstrating a successful track record in this subsection, the applicant could include the applicant’s (or alliance organization’s) history working with the target program participants, quantitative and/or qualitative data about the applicant or alliance organization’s ability to build trust within the SEDI group(s) and drive participation in similar programs, or other indicia that the applicant or alliance organization are able to understand the needs of and reach SEDI groups. Please include any numerical data broken down on an annual basis up to the last five years to support the applicant’s track record and experience.

Clearly identify the target participants, including what SEDI group(s), industry or market segment focus, maturity of entrepreneur/businesses served and method of technical assistance delivery. 1. SEDI group(s): If the proposal plans to target the needs of specific SEDI groups, indicate which group(s) and why the location, needs, and proposed solutions will meet the needs of those group(s). Note: while applicants may choose to design programming to address the needs of particular SEDI groups, service delivery must be in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 42 U.S.C. § 2000d to 2000d-7, and its implementing regulations, 28 C.F.R. Part 42, Subpart C; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. § 794. 2. Industry/Market Segment Focus: If the proposal plans to target a specific industry or market segment, indicate which industry(ies) or market segment(s) and why the particular focus, needs and proposed solutions will meet the need of the focus. 3. Maturity of Business: Specify whether the target participants will be early-stage entrepreneurs, growth-stage businesses, or both. 4. Delivery Method: Specify if the technical assistance will be delivered virtually, in-person, or a hybrid of both.

Requirements: 2 pages

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experience and qualifications and how it is uniquely

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