submit two current, business-ethics related objective news items (not analysis, commentary, or opinion pieces*)

submit two current, business-ethics related objective news items (not analysis, commentary, or opinion pieces*)

Find Business News Articles

Each article must be written separately and it should be be 2 pages each.

submit two current, business-ethics related objective news items (not analysis, commentary, or opinion pieces*) on completely different topics.

*Commentaries will include the writer’s opinions, made clear by such clues as using first-person (“I”) terminology or stating evaluations of whether the behaviors reported are good or bad. Your job is to find “straight” news stories that just report the facts.

The articles should:

  • have appeared in mainstream, reputable journalistic news outlets (see details below) within four weeks of the submission date
  • include ethically questionable behavior by for-profit businesses, not by non-profits or government agencies
  • discuss moral issues facing business people;

Do not use:

  • legal or government issues (e.g., lawsuits, regulatory, or university activities)
  • those facing specific professions that have their own specialized ethics fields (e.g., journalism, law, and medicine)
  • those whose issues are idiosyncratic(e.g., professional sports or utilities).

Include each story’s Title, Reporter, Publication, and URL in your submission.

Examples of mainstream, reputable journalistic news outlets include:

Examples that do not fit the “mainstream, reputable journalistic news outlet” requirement:

Requirements: 4 Pages

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submit two current business

APA 316 words

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