Social media has become an instant game changer for companies to market themselves. Whether building a brand

Social media has become an instant game changer for companies to market themselves. Whether building a brand

Social media has become an instant game changer for companies to market themselves. Whether building a brand or strengthening relationships with stakeholders, social media allows companies to broadcast their messages in real time and respond to customers instantly.

Many businesses have adopted social media as one of their main communication channel for updates and information. Rather than a one-way means of communicating with stakeholders, social media allows for two-way communication.

Your task is to submit a two to three page paper detailing your actual business message (There can be several if you are using multiple platforms.) explaining why the particular platform was chosen. This assignment has two parts. (1) Write a business message and (2) analyze, justify, and evaluate which social media platform you will use to present the business message.


To create your business message, you must achieve two goals. (a) Inform stakeholders or (b) get buy-in from those stakeholders. You may use the information throughout this class to generate your message.


Choose a social media platform that best fits your message. You can use as many social media platforms as you choose but be wise about the main users. In two to three pages, provide an example of the message that will be launched, and justify why this social media platform is the right one for the message. Explain how you would measure whether the message was successful. In your paper, you should also describe how a successful business message presented on social media can impact customer loyalty, ensure customer retention, and expand publicity. Make sure you cite any sources.

Requirements: 3 pages   |   .doc file


You can choose/assume any business, such as Starbucks, etc.

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Social media

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