Should a humanitarian organization, such as UNHCR remain neutral and committed to the principle of refugee well-being

Should a humanitarian organization, such as UNHCR remain neutral and committed to the principle of refugee well-being

The neutrality of humanitarianism has been a highly contested topic, thus we pose the questions-

  1. With the growing conflicts of interest, it is apparent that humanitarian organizations cannot appease all aspects between refugee protection and state interests, thus what characteristics should be considered and prioritized?
  2. Should a humanitarian organization, such as UNHCR remain neutral and committed to the principle of refugee well-being, when such a commitment could compromise national security?
  3. How can they ensure ethnocentrism and the pressure from Western State interests are not at the root of their initiatives despite the need for economic funding and assistance from state and military actors?

Feel free to answer any one question or all of them!

Requirements: 200-400 words

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humanitarian organization

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