Select a nurse to interview (in person, face to face) who acts in the role of a leader or manager who would hire

Select a nurse to interview (in person, face to face) who acts in the role of a leader or manager who would hire

Nurse Leader Interview Paper Instructions

Select a nurse to interview (in person, face to face) who acts in the role of a leader or manager who would hire a Master of Science prepared nurse (Advanced Practice Nurse) in your specialty. This may be a leader or manager in acute care, community agencies, research, academia, or leading a professional organization. This person must have at least a master’s degree (MSN) or higher and at least 5 years nursing and 2 years leadership experience. The nurse leader interview will be developed into an APA formatted paper. Prior to developing the nurse leader interview paper, students must obtain written permission via email from the nurse leader being interviewed and attach it to the paper. It will be important to send your list of questions to the nurse leader prior to the interview. This assignment must be submitted using the SafeAssign and meet the criteria that all submitted work must fall below a 20% similarity index (excluding all headings and references).

This assignment provides you the opportunity to apply your knowledge of leadership approaches and theories to evaluate the skills, values, and methods of someone currently serving in a leadership position.  It is recommended that you make a 15-20 minute appointment with the leader or the manager of your choice. Generate at list of questions (prepared prior to the interview). You will incorporate both the assignment-required questions, as well as critically developed questions of your own creation. You may, if permitted, audio-tape/digitally record the interview so that you may progress through the interview in a timely manner and actively participate in the discussion (this is not possible if you are trying to write the conversation down as it occurs). A list of your proposed questions may be attached to the final document as an Appendix.

Outline of the APA Paper Submission:

The paper will begin with a brief introduction of the leader being interviewed and will proceed to the questions asked and answers received. Additionally, the paper will need to conclude with a summary of the interview process. This information will address such elements as your critical analysis and evaluation of the interview process, professional status and development, and future leadership goals within an organization.

Part 1: Interview of the nurse leader. Use the outline of general questions below as well as at least five of your own to prepare your narrative paper and ask for a response to each of the questions. Narrative form refers to a descriptive writing approach that discloses details of an act,

event, or phenomenon. It tells a story meant to lead the reader to an important conclusion or

meaningful realization or life lesson.

Introduction (Level Heading) Present an introduction for the interview conducted, the paper will begin with a brief introduction of the leader being interviewed and will proceed to the questions asked and answers received. including a brief biography of the interviewee and the organization represented. Explain why this individual was chosen for the interview in light of your selected nursing specialty role.

A Learning Conversation (Level Heading): State each question you posed along with the interviewee’s responses. The questions should include (but NOT be limited to) each topical area delineated below:

  • Determine from the interviewee what are the mission/vision/ goals of the organization. Describe the interviewee’s expectations of an advanced practice nurse- a leader within his, other specialty.
  • Discuss what the interviewee believes it takes for the Bachelor of Science prepared nurse to academically excel at the advanced practice nursing level and transition to a nurse leader in this organization.
  • Develop at least 5 additional, relevant questions that serve to further your understanding of critical elements as related to successful specialty role transition within the specific organization. Your interview questions might explore leadership and management styles (refer to your textbook) and identify the different types of activities of each.

The conversation should be well organized in terms of categories of questions sharing a similar focus and should be presented in such a way as to be helpful to other individuals attempting to transition into new specialty nursing roles within similar types of organizations.

Note: This is NOT a “job interview.” the student is a self-invited guest interviewing the organizational leader. Questions about such items as salary, benefits, job opportunities, etc. are not appropriate

Reflection/Analysis and Follow-Up (Level Heading) This information will address such elements as your critical analysis and evaluation of the interview process including (but not limited to) what you would do differently. Analysis of this leader’s leadership style (Use from current literature to support leadership characteristics or theories). The student will also compare the information obtained during the interview to what was learned from reading and class discussion about the leader’s practices. This section should also reflect personal philosophy of leadership. In your analysis include the answers to the following questions:

  • Why did you choose to interview this individual?
  • What made this leader you interviewed unique and impressionable?
  • What were some key attributes that you liked about this leader?
  • What information most surprised you from the interview and what was most useful?
  • Describe how this experience has influenced your own personal definition of “leadership”  
  • What new insights did you gain about your leadership style (Use from current literature to support leadership characteristics or theories and reference). Summarize the key lessons you will apply to your practice of professional nursing and leadership.
  • Provide an overview of values you feel are important for a nurse leader, those you felt were evidenced in the interview and those you feel that you possess that would make you a good leader or some that you might need to work on to be a good leader (support responses with personal reflection, interview data and scholarly sources)  Clearly articulate your own values and vision of nursing leadership for your future in the nursing profession.
  • What are your priorities as you think about a leadership role?  Reflect on personal strengths and areas for improvement in managing professional relationships. Provide information on how these strengths and areas for improvement can impact professional relationships.
  • Identify practical methods to address and/or leverage each area of improvement.
  • What do you think you would (or do) expect from others when you are in a leadership role?

Summary (Level Heading): Summarize the key points of the conversation as each relates to the interviewee’s chosen nursing leadership-specialty role and how a prospective nurse leader could make a successful transition to such a role within the selected nurse leader’s organization. Please include resultant plans (post-interview) for professional development and pursuit of future nurse leader opportunities.

Your paper must be written in APA 7th edition format, 12 pt Times New Roman legible font, double spaced with appropriate citations (The paper length requirement is 5-7 pages without counting the title and reference page). You must use at least 3 evidence based scholarly articles other than your textbook and course readings to support your narratives. Please be sure to send a thank you note to your leader. It will be important to send your list of questions to the nurse leader prior to the interview.


Introduction (20 pts)20 pts Clearly presents introduction of interview, the person being interviewed and the organization. The rationale for choosing the individual is clear in light of students selected nurse specialty role15 pts Mostly clear introduction and summary of the person interviewed as well as the organization with the rationale somewhat clear in light of the students selected nurse specialty10 pts Vague introduction and summary of the person interviewed, the organization and an unclear connection to the students selected nurse specialty5 pts Unclear to no introduction provided, with little to no summary of person interviewed and no to little information about organization or connection to the students selected nurse specialty
Main idea and purpose   (32 pts)32 pts Excellent presentation of the main ideas and categories elicited from the interview and supported with scholarly readings which is helpful to other individuals transitioning to specialty roles24pts Good overall presentation of the main ideas and categories elicited from the interview and mostly supported with scholarly readings which is helpful to other individuals transitioning to specialty roles16 pts Vague presentation of the main ideas and categories elicited from the interview and fairly supported with scholarly readings which is helpful to other individuals transitioning to specialty roles8 pts Unclear to no presentation of the main ideas and categories elicited from the interview and little to no supporting scholarly readings which fail to  help other individuals transition to specialty roles.  
Critical analysis (32 pts)32 pts Exceptional presentation of interview concepts comparing interview information with leadership practices discussed in class readings and discussion. Evidence of leadership style and characteristics are accurately presented in a clear fashion with excellent support using evidence-based literature. Each of the required questions are reflected in a thoughtful and integrated way into the final analysis.  24pts Good presentation of interview concepts comparing interview information with leadership practices discussed in class readings and discussion. Evidence of leadership style and characteristics are adequately presented in a mostly clear fashion with good support using evidence-based literature. Most of the required questions are reflected in a thoughtful integrated way into the final analysis.  16 pts Fair presentation of interview concepts comparing interview information with leadership practices discussed in class readings and discussion. Evidence of leadership style and characteristics are inadequately presented in a vague fashion with limited support using evidence-based literature. Some of the required questions are reflected in a general integrated way into the final analysis.8 pts Little to no presentation of interview concepts comparing interview information with leadership practices discussed in class reading and discussion. Evidence of leadership style and characteristics are poorly or not presented in a limited  fashion with little to no support using evidence-based literature. Little to few of the required questions are reflected in a vague manner that fails to adequately integrate these into the final analysis.
Self-Reflection (32 pts)32 pts Clear and excellent reflection of individual philosophy as a future nurse leader that demonstrates an authentic introspection on values, priorities and expectations as a potential leader that integrates course readings, interview knowledge and best practice.  24pts Mostly a good reflection of individual philosophy as a future nurse leader demonstrates a mostly authentic introspection on values, priorities, and expectations as a potential leader that integrates course readings, interview knowledge and best practice.16 pts Fair to limited reflection of individual philosophy as a future nurse leader demonstrates a fair authentic introspection on values, priorities, and exceptions as a potential leader that integrates course readings, interview knowledge and best practice.8 pts Little to no reflection of individual philosophy as a future nurse leader demonstrates a limited to no introspection on values, priorities, and exceptions as a potential leader that integrates course readings, interview knowledge and best practice.
Summary (32 pts)32 pts Exceptional summarization of key points of conversation reflecting interviewee’s chosen leadership-specialty role; clear understanding of successful transition to a nurse leader role in prospective organization. Detailed outline of professional development plans for future leader opportunities.24pts Good summarization of key points of conversation reflecting interviewee’s chosen leadership specialty role; good understanding of successful transition to nurse leader role in prospective organization. Fairly detailed outline of professional development plans for future leader opportunities16 pts Fair summarization of key points of conversation reflecting interviewee’s chosen leadership specialty role; fair understanding of successful transition to nurse leader role in prospective organization. Limited detail of professional development plans for future leader opportunities8 pts Limited to no summarization of key points of conversation reflecting internee’s chosen leadership specialty role; little to no understanding of successful transition to nurse leader role in prospective organization provided. Vague to no detail of professional development plans for future leader opportunities.
Research: How the literature is integrated throughout the paper (20 pts)20 pts Sources are exceptionally well integrated and clearly support claims in the paper. More than a minimum of 3 scholarly sources in addition to the textbook are effectively integrated into assignment15 pts Sources are somewhat well integrated and mostly support claims in the paper. A minimum of 3 scholarly sources other than the textbook are effectively integrated into assignment.10 pts Sources are fairly well integrated and somewhat support claims in the paper. A minimum of 2 scholarly sources other than textbook are somewhat integrated into assignment5 pts Sources are limitedly and poorly support claims in the paper. A minimum of less than 2 scholarly sources other than textbook are poorly integrated into the assignment.
Grammar & mechanics (12 pts)12 pts Excellent grammar, spelling, syntax and punctuation with fewer than 3 errors throughout assignment.9 pts Good grammar, spelling, syntax and punctuation with between 3-5 errors throughout assignment6 pts Fair grammar, spelling, syntax and punctuation with 5-8 errors throughout assignment.3 pts Poor grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation with > 8 errors throughout assignment.
APA guidelines and formatting (16 pts)16 pts Uses APA guidelines accurately and consistently to cite sources and format paper including title, level of headings, spacing, in-text references and reference page. Paper is within the expected page length12 pts Uses APA guidelines with fewer than 2 errors in citing sources and formatting (title page, level of headings, spacing, in-text references, and reference page). Paper is within the expected paper length.8 pts Uses APA guidelines with fewer than 5 errors in citing sources and formatting (title page, level of headings, spacing, in-text references, and reference page). Paper is mostly within expected page length.4 pts Uses APA guidelines with more than 5 errors in citing sources and formatting (title page, level of headings, spacing, in-text references, and reference page). Paper is not within expected page length.
196 pts total    

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Select a nurse to interview

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