Research key information about your chosen job opportunity and the employer (e.g., the employer’s mission statement

Research key information about your chosen job opportunity and the employer (e.g., the employer’s mission statement

Part 1: Preparation

Using the same employer for this assignment that you used in your Wk 2 – Writing Reaction and Review assignment, complete the following steps:

  • Access the open job opportunity at that employer that interests you.
  • Research key information about your chosen job opportunity and the employer (e.g., the employer’s mission statement, who the hiring manager is, and the employer’s past accomplishments). You may find this information by visiting the company’s website or searching social networking sites (e.g., LinkedIn®) or job boards.

Consider these questions about the job you’ve identified:

  • What duties might this position require?
  • What education or experience is expected of applicants?
  • What is the company’s reputation, goal, or mission? How would hiring you help the company achieve that goal or mission?
  • What salary might you expect? Is it comparable to the same position within other companies?
  • Is there a possibility to grow or advance within this organization?

Consider the following questions about your unique qualifications and work history:

  • What makes you an effective employee who others want to work with?
  • What current and past qualities, habits, and career skills make you a good candidate for this position?
  • How might your cover letter reflect any of the following traits: curiosity, openness, engagement, creativity, or metacognition (self-awareness)?

Part 2: Cover Letter and Reflection

Review the Cover Letter Guide: Five Steps for Crafting Your Cover Letter from PhoenixLink for appropriate cover letter formatting guidelines. This resource is located in PhoenixLink’s Career Resources section.

Write a maximum 1-page cover letter for your identified job opportunity. Incorporate the suggestions, format, and tone from the Cover Letter Guide you reviewed to prepare for this assignment.

After your cover letter is complete, insert a page break at the end of your cover letterto create space for your reflection.

Reflect on the activities you completed to prepare for drafting your cover letter and respond to the following questions in at least 1 sentence each:

  • What was your research process? What did you find and how did you find it?
  • How did your research influence the cover letter?
  • When you looked at websites, job postings, and other resources related to this career field, what did you notice about how people in this profession communicate? Were any words, ideas, or phrases prominent?
  • To whom did you address your letter? Why did you select this person?
  • What are some examples from your letter that demonstrate a respectful and professional tone?

Requirements: 175

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 job opportunity and the employer

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