Report on your interview with a School Psychologist.

Report on your interview with a School Psychologist.

Report on your interview with a School Psychologist.

Step 1 provide a narrative on the questions asked during the interview and answers (Please upload the interview as a Word document). Please make sure that there is no identifying information in the text, this mean, delete the name of the person you have interviewed and the school name. Instead please provide information such as: School Psychologist with X number of schools and grade levels. Please ask the following questions and put responses after each question: Please probe for more than just a one-word

a. What is your role as a School Psychologist?

B. What is your ideal role? How does your role differ from your ideal role?

C. If you could change anything, what would be the change you would make to make your job easier?

D. What are the ethical challenges in the public schools?

E. How have you resolved ethical challenges in the public schools?

F. What are the greatest challenges that students face on a daily basis?

G. How has Response to Interventions (RTI) impacted your professional functioning?

H. How has your role changed during the pandemic and the return to face-to-face instruction?

I. Do you see a change in the students now they are back to face-to-face instruction?

J. What suggestions would you give to someone just starting out in the field of School Psychology?

Step 2 Report on the two journal articles you have read that had School Psychologists as the participants in the study. Journal articles that do not have School Psychologists as the only participants will not be appropriate for this assignments. Students must read Journal articles where the only participants are School Psychologists. The journal articles (Newsletters, Dissertations and Encyclopedias are not acceptable) should be from 2014 to the present, Please provide the purpose of the study, the number of participants and the results for each journal article. You might find a article that asks a School Psychologist what tests they give.
References should be in APA style 7th edition. Report on each journal article separately.

Requirements: 3-4

Masters Psychology

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School Psychologist

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